No, you didn't over react at all. I didn't realize at first who your "clients" were. If anyone is guilty of poorly expressing themselves it's me.
To shift the convo just a little bit, today drumpf was tweeting that everyone is lying about the covid-19 in order to sabatoge the economy and his -re-election. He's saying ..."the CDC, our doctors and Democrats are lying to keep the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it." Amazing that he's claiming Fauci and the CDC are politically motivated when all they are trying to do is save lives. In typical fashion HE is the one making it about the election. As far as drumpf is concerned, what's a few thousand more lives so long as I can get re-elected? But what makes this tweet so outrageous and yet fitting is that he is quoting Chuck Woolery, a game show host. drumpf won't listen to the experts, the scientists, the people who understand immunology and have spent their careers trying to save lives, but he will listen to a game show host. You can't make this stuff up if you tried.