Coronavirus outbreak

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All NHS and care workers in England are being offered the antibody test (Sky).

This has been happening for at least a week.

I had mine yesterday. Over 3000 at my work have been tested or have booked a test in the next week.

It’ll be interesting when the results come out.


That's been said before though and never happened they no sooner started it stoped as the test was found not to work.
Mrs 73 has never had one and not likely to any time soon. She's been moved back to prison health care last week to sort things out it's a total mess. No one's getting tested for anything other than health staff no one else has any PPE. Social distancing never really started only a handful of ones at high covid at risk got released. Hardly any single cells so self isolation never happens not even if you may have covid.
As things on the out side open up it's just a big ticking public health bomb waiting to go off.


Resting in suspended Animation
This has been happening for at least a week.

I had mine yesterday. Over 3000 at my work have been tested or have booked a test in the next week.

It’ll be interesting when the results come out.

Seen many times the informal commitments the government have made on it.

I just hope the information is used to gain insights.


Unintended consequences making things worse when you think they make things better
That's not a 100% true on public face covering I've not seen any creditable social science which back it up.
In fact social science evidence is starting to show it's effecting how people interact and you're more likely to stay a part from each other.
Most of the stuff that keeps being dragged out about why face coverings are not a good idea don't really stack up.


Seen many times the informal commitments the government have made on it.

I just hope the information is used to gain insights.
I think it's just more about Hancock and his sweetie jar. The basics still need fixing local lockdowns lock downs look increasingly in need quickly. But even now PHE are not passing on postcode testing data to local public health officers.


Resting in suspended Animation
That's not a 100% true on public face covering I've not seen any creditable social science which back it up.

I wish three months later we could say we had nailed the supply problems once and for all on masks, respirators and coverings. Any time there is an increase in demand through a policy change or panic buying it's worrying. It's just for coverings at the moment thankfully and the message has been make your own.

In Italy in March there was a huge amount of coverage that everyone in germany was going to die because they weren't wearing masks or having restrictions they called lockdowns. For reasons I don't understand Italy had a very plentiful supply of masks and respirators available for the general public to hoard on a mass scale, which Italians did. Three months later the UK still doesn't have enough.


Resting in suspended Animation
I agree about the insights.

It isn't entirely clear who, if anyone, will look at the data.

I am glad it's being done. I saw the sky report where no less than a medical director was being given her results. It doesn't make up for other failings but may offer reassurance. As a patient my father was offered elisa serology screenings twice and came back negative and in a funny way is reassuring. This will be how some feel too. On the other hand now if that happened again I'm not sure how I'd feel as now we know 7% of the population are estimated to have had the virus.

Reason why I'm slightly sceptical apart from Matt Hancock is in Italy they have done these sorts of tests rather willy nilly for some time, starting earlier than the UK and it doesn't seem to be being used for some useful study there. Maybe it will come.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
In Italy in March there was a huge amount of coverage that everyone in germany was going to die because they weren't wearing masks or having restrictions they called lockdowns. For reasons I don't understand Italy had a very plentiful supply of masks and respirators available for the general public to hoard on a mass scale, which Italians did. Three months later the UK still doesn't have enough.
Italy had more clothing factories (even Castelli switched to making PPE), quickly planned to become self-sufficient in 8 weeks (I don't know if this was achieved) and less competition for imports because they were hit early.


I wish three months later we could say we had nailed the supply problems once and for all on masks, respirators and coverings. Any time there is an increase in demand through a policy change or panic buying it's worrying. It's just for coverings at the moment thankfully and the message has been make your own.

In Italy in March there was a huge amount of coverage that everyone in germany was going to die because they weren't wearing masks or having restrictions they called lockdowns. For reasons I don't understand Italy had a very plentiful supply of masks and respirators available for the general public to hoard on a mass scale, which Italians did. Three months later the UK still doesn't have enough.

Your right it's not nailed if only the government opened up and asked for help. The right people are still not running it , we still don't have a central register of companies that are able to supply or with some shop floor and tooling changers can supply. Why registers like this , for national emergencies like this. Was never made part of the Civil Contingencies Act is odd. A manufacturing cat 1 and 2 list ready to go would have helped a lot. We can't blame the current one for that as no government every fixed it. Equally LA's need a up and running local list of volunteers who can if needed do the little things as we have now. When I was department head of volunteering I wanted to set one up together with local groups who can help that are not on the cat1 or 2 list. But just kept getting a brick wall community reliance is not something councils like unless they are the ones controlling it. They also don't like asking for help or admitting they need it.

As with so many things in social and health policy we need much more targeted support and targeted unlocking. Free face coverings if we get them need to get to one's who need them. We need a clear simple public health message on why and how you use them. It's not that difficult as kids we quickly learn how to use a hankie. We already have the the flu catch it , bin it. It's not the same as a clinical setting and that needs to cut though. To deal with any negative thinking on the issue. We've had and still are getting so many mixed public health messages it need's someone to take it over and oversee it with one format, one set message. We made a good start at the beginning with the same posters at the same placers now it's all over the place. Shops have different ones , councils have own take it. We have set road signs for reason , successful companies have set formats for a reason. Yet the current public health one is all over the place. We can't safely unlock without one.


Resting in suspended Animation
As with so many things in social and health policy we need much more targeted support and targeted unlocking. Free face coverings if we get them need to get to one's who need them. We need a clear simple public health message on why and how you use them. It's not that difficult as kids we quickly learn how to use a hankie. We already have the the flu catch it , bin it. It's not the same as a clinical setting and that needs to cut though. To deal with any negative thinking on the issue. We've had and still are getting so many mixed public health messages it need's someone to take it over and oversee it with one format, one set message. We made a good start at the beginning with the same posters at the same placers now it's all over the place. Shops have different ones , councils have own take it. We have set road signs for reason , successful companies have set formats for a reason. Yet the current public health one is all over the place. We can't safely unlock without one.

It could have been as part of covid secure, to have set posters!

Not that opinions here count very much, but as it's such a central plank of the getting even vaguely close to anyone indoors I'd have two public messages. One public information campaign on coverings and one on the 2 metre rule. I suspect there isn't these campaigns on some level as the government's changed/changing its mind on both of late. I don't think PHE are the people to do this either.

coverings, something along the lines of:
  • recap that we're 4 months in and hard to assess level of risk, but more is known now
  • 40%+ are asymptomatic
  • the virus spreads a lot easier indoors (present evidence/stat)
  • wearing a covering can stop you passing it on to someone else, who then passes it on to someone else
  • it's hard to keep distance in a non-household indoor environment so must be worn then if less than 2m.
  • public transport a risk (cite evidence)
  • all responsible for health and safety at work, wouldn't want people important to us who are at high risk to get it
  • it's a big change for society, be polite to people and follow instructions, remind others politely.

2 metre rule, something along the lines of:
  • complexity of environments but 2 metres a distance where the risk is very small
  • graphics of set ups
  • hard number
  • comparison of 1 m, 50 cm, 2 m. indoors/outdoors/well ventilated
  • hard, but if people stick 2 metres apart, reduce contact significantly and follow other guidance then physically distanced social activities and work and some degree of normal life can exist for the next year. the alternative being waves of lockdowns.
Interesting health officials and medics have been saying the last 24 hours they want a public information message. The daily press conferences need ditching. There's not any new news most days and they are a massive distraction and lose their impact having them every day. The media discourse is now all about panicked teachers and parents, MPs grumbling about going back to work and endless stuff about jolly holidays.

In general I am sceptical about getting people to do things for a prolongued period of time. For me the public information campaign would have an impact of maybe a month to help things on before a second smaller wave or if we're lucky before the winter wave. When things do change, behaviour will likely change.

The track and trace message (not that that's properly running any time soon is not clear enough). It makes it sound like anyone who comes into contact is high risk and have to quarantine for 14 days. In fact less than 2 m for more than 15 minutes. Rather different. But as Whitty said himself, this fits into the whole 2 metres thing.

There's a public message needed on the App too (wjhenever that 'properly' happens).


Yep think you've crack it , not that hard is it ? We can see it but why can't the ones who need to see it?
We've got signage reg's for everything else so why ? The 'covid secure' stuff are just the latest in the long list of we advise, it's recommend. Too woolly to be of help just giving a few pointers and then saying it's up to you how you do it. Which has been clear for some time is not good enough. The latest to have this applied to will be placers of worship.

Do they really expect a church warden or the vicar to stop small groups turning up and praying together? Same go's for other placers of worship. It's not going to happen will the police really be willing to turn up and clear out a place of worship given current tensions ? Or pictures of local public health officer closing the place down ?

Too much of this is being driven by pressure , or the press. It looking like the pace of the unlock is going up gear next week.
Some within the NHS are already openly talking of a 2rd wave and the need to ready. But still the government look to be doing a "charge of the light brigade" all over the science and public health.

On the App why don't we have a public health one be easy to update and be a simple one stop shop for advice and help ?
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Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
With tens of thousands now congregating in public, the lockdown tactic is completely finished. Will we see a spike in a week?
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