Legendary Member
Maybe "most" of it was straightforward, but almost half wasn't? The COVID alert level formula is totallyspherical danglies:
View attachment 521553
(from AAV on facebook)
Does this help?
Maybe "most" of it was straightforward, but almost half wasn't? The COVID alert level formula is totallyspherical danglies:
View attachment 521553
(from AAV on facebook)
Donald, is that you?has any research been done on a virus repellent - if hand santiser kills it, would there be scope for something like insect repellent ?
With phone shops being half of most high streets, this is their latest idea on how to restart the economy.It look's like the NHSx app wont work on Huawei needs Apple IOS 11 upwards or Android 8 upwards as a minimum and phones must have Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Wonder how many that rules out ?
The advice is update you software and use BLE.
Older phones can't run them and don't BLE so in other words buy a new phone.
It was presented as a top level road map - which it indeed was. We were told that more would follow - it has, and there will be more.
It strikes me as obtuse to pillory BJ for not providing all the detail during a tier one presentation.
That's what I was criticising.
Don't worry. He'll have his advisor talking into an earpiece, which helped Matt Hancock so much:And Johnson is providing answers to the questions? Jesus. He'll just wing it.
Then he shouldn't have given a highly heralded prime-time TV announcement that left as many questions as answers.
It was like at bonfire night when someone says they are going to let off a spectacular rocket, everybody gathers, stands back.........and it fizzles out.
We have a perfectly good vehicle for announcements in the daily briefings and did not need this vanity exercise.
Forward planning with a 3 week lead-in:
1. WEEK 1 Work through a comprehensive plan of action with input from specialists, users and operators.
2. Rationalise that plan and work through all possible scenarios to check its effectiveness.
3. WEEK 2 Review, check again and refine it to achieve a final version.
4. WEEK 3 Publish the plan and *at the same briefing* distribute a comprehensive press release with a set of clear bullet points from the main headings of the full report for the press to announce in headlines so everyone is clear.
You don't think something up in the taxi to the briefing, flesh it out on the hoof and two days later qualify what you think you just said with additional knee-jerk updatesover the next 2 days, to plug any gaps in your first presentation.
It shows the world Boris lives in "Avoid public transport" - not everyone has a choice.
Surely everyone on this forum knows from sooooo many cycling projects that "consulting" does not mean that they were listened to in any way, shape or form?This will be a much needed document - good to see that many 'bodies' were involved.
[...] The Government has been consulting relevant sectors, industry bodies, local authorities, trades unions, [...]
Not easy to follow though.But those who do should avoid it. Simple message. Easy to understand.
Wasn't TfL basically forced into furloughing a lot of staff a few weeks ago by central government refusing to help sort out the funding of the reduced-income services?But already Sadiq Khan is being blamed for the crowded tubes because apparently he isn't running enough trains. Even though I suspect Khan had about as much knowledge on the speech as we did, and he cannot magic up train drivers and rail capacity anyway.
At the point that the public-facing instruction of a public health measure becomes "layers and layers" of 50 page documents, it's basically failed. No-one is going to follow all of that and it's quite likely that they'll not follow the important bits well enough.Even the 50-pager today will be a long way away from resolving every single issue - and no doubt there will be more outcry about that. How anyone could think (not aimed at you btw) that a 50 page document can lay out an issue of this complexity in immense detail is beyond me.
There will be layers and layers of this to come - not all for direct public consumption but for employers and other official bodies etc too.
Don't you think we feel responsible for { voting in this shower / allowing this shower to get voted in }? I know I do.And at some point we have to be responsible for our own outcomes as well - and I'm not subscribing to the Gov avoiding blame conspiracy nonsense on social media as an aside.
As I wrote earlier, the trouble with "common sense" is that it is so often neither common nor sense! If it had been left to common sense, villagers would have been shooting exercising cyclists by now.I wonder if as a society we are becoming too dependant on being told exactly what to do and are becoming incapable of using common sense to fill in the blanks - notwithstanding the fact there will always be some social outliers that can't/won't. One for another thread maybe.
Not easy to follow though.
My wife works 9 miles away. She doesn't have a car and generally gets the bus to work.