Legendary Member
What’s your solution to minimising virus spread and coming out of lockdown? Genuinely interested in how this may happen given where we are at now in the UK (and not based on what’s happening in other countries or what might have happened or should have happened, can’t change the past). You clearly have a strong opinion On what should now be done or not doneRemind me just what is this app all about again ? Something about tracking and tracing a virus ?
Well we may have a problem ...
It ask’s HCP's to tell it when they are wearing PPE. So not to include those interactions when working out your risk.
Which is possibly the most at risk interactions they will have. It's a bit of an insult to assume well you have PPE so you're safe.
If you catch it you never got it at work as the app say's so.
Not a HCP so it's fine .... well no
As it won't recored the HCP's interaction it won't recored the interaction you have with the HCP either.
It may as well have a option saying I can't catch it as I do my shopping wearing my "magic gloves"
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