I'm not sure how the 'track and trace' thing is being done here, or of they use an app. Perhaps @Unkraut can advise, being more technologically savvy than I?
Well I'm not particularly tech savvy, but I understand that SAP, the company who did the app that helped get German tourists abroad (for example in New Zealand
) back home have been contracted to develop a suitable app. With that level of expertise it ought not to take long. In the discussions I have watched there has been some strong criticism that there has been plenty of talk about the app and how essential it is, yet weeks have passed by and it's still not here. This is an area that does seem to have been loused up here.
Part of the problem has been agreeing to suitable protections for privacy. There is EU legislation on this, although I assume this no longer applies in the UK which might be part of the problem there with arguing about who has access to the data collected. I think the data is not going to be centrally stored here.
Notwithstanding the privacy angle (for which I have a lot of sympathy) if you want to get back to normal more quickly this will involve a trade off with having to have the app widely in use to enable the medical authorities to be able to keep down any new threat of the virus spreading again versus some loss of privacy.