Prof Anthony Costello , warning of 40k UK deaths - that the UK will have the worse death rate in Europe - and that mistakes were made in the UK around testing and the speed of the lockdown.
Thankfully it's getting some airtime as well ....I reckon Hancock will be announcing free lollipop s tonight.
Not clear where he's got his numbers from, but the a revised model in the University of Washington on a second run through of more recent data (unfortunately the first run through meant they lost credibility and got little coverage) said 37,483 deaths by the start of August. It has to be said the same model the figures for Italy were blatantly nonsense, I don't know whether they were using old Italian data as had happened with the UK in the first run.
If you start plotting families of curves on the basis the government have said of another 8 weeks or longer into July or August as the government said in the past then you get that ballpark - easily.