Coronavirus outbreak

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Resting in suspended Animation
NI is used to fund the NHS. "The fund" has money taken out of it. At various times where have been below the surface political arguments that not enough of the money was going to the NHS. A proportion is siphoned off to the NHS. The fund is just more or less in real time (it's more complicated than that and why it's led to arguments) it's not a pot of money that's been safely stored away from the past for many years. It was meant that the fund would be put on something of a more sustainable and robust system, but this never happened because the UK's penchant for spending lots of money on nuclear weapons in the 1950s, the korean war and in general the 1951-64 tory government which apart from housing didn't really do very much for 13 years and were a bunch of penny pinchers.

Politically it wasn't talked about that much in the 50s and 60s to voters because the public would think the politicians of the time were irresponsible morons. There are some famous examples of what labour politicians had to say about it from those days. As in other countries like the US in the late 60s and 70s focus was on how to make the things run and offer as wide a range of services as possible.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
That is an Internet archive. The original author / account is under investigation for breaching Medium’s rules.
I'm not concerned about Medium's internal management- has the content been peer-reviewed. Trump hasn't just made up his wild claims, even he isn't that gullible- he's been given information by someone at a high level in the US system.


Legendary Member


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I don't think anyone in their right mind would agree to peer review that article.

I'm an architect- I have skills in design and construction.

It leads the reader through a process so that it appears plausible but I don't have the knowledge to know if it is utter bilge or has some basis in fact.

Saying that no-one with insight would agree to review it doesn't help me or anyone else see where it is or isn't good science, please could someone explain why it isn't?


Hello decadence
I'm an architect- I have skills in design and construction.

It leads the reader through a process so that it appears plausible but I don't have the knowledge to know if it is utter bilge or has some basis in fact.

Saying that no-one with insight would agree to review it doesn't help me or anyone else see where it is or isn't good science, please could someone explain why it isn't?
I’m not a medic but the clinical trial data on hydroxychloroquine doesn’t support its use in treating Covid. The side effects can be horrendous and there seems to be very little benefit. I’m slightly dubious about the physiological mechanisms of the disease described too. I think the pneumonia is caused by an immunological reaction called a cytokine storm, which is not mentioned. My initial reaction would be to dismiss that paper as pseudoscience.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I'm an architect- I have skills in design and construction.

It leads the reader through a process so that it appears plausible but I don't have the knowledge to know if it is utter bilge or has some basis in fact.

Saying that no-one with insight would agree to review it doesn't help me or anyone else see where it is or isn't good science, please could someone explain why it isn't?
I’m not a medic but the clinical trial data on hydroxychloroquine doesn’t support its use in treating Covid. The side effects can be horrendous and there seems to be very little benefit. I’m slightly dubious about the physiological mechanisms of the disease described too. I think the pneumonia is caused by an immunological reaction called a cytokine storm, which is not mentioned. My initial reaction would be to dismiss that paper as pseudoscience.
It reads like bollocks to me. Here's a rather more eloquent appraisal.

Funnily enough, the style of the piece reminded me of a poster on this very forum...


Master of the Inane Comment
What's your source? It has more detail than this:

The update is the important bit, but I agree that the press could be making a bit more of this than is justified, at least in wanting a headline out of it. It also appeared on my son's phone this morning but I don't know if it was the same source or someone else reporting it.

Update from April 10: The pharmaceutical company CureVac in Tübingen continues to work intensively on a vaccine against the corona virus. "We are right on schedule with our vaccine project," a company spokesman said on Thursday. Research has been ongoing on a vaccine for Covid-19 since January - a clinical trial should begin in early summer. "In June, at the latest in July, we want to start with around 100 people."

There are of course many who still think a vaccine before next year or even during next year is being optimistic.


Hello decadence
Story in a few weeks time.......

"Daddy - Mummy says that we can see our friends again next week it true"
dad "Yes it sure is "
Child " Oh great - has the disease gone away"
Dad "No"
Child " oh right - have the got some medicine to stop the disease making people poorly"
Dad "no"
Child " I don't understand daddy how come we can go out"
Dad " Well there's this app ............"


Legendary Member
I’m not a medic but the clinical trial data on hydroxychloroquine doesn’t support its use in treating Covid. The side effects can be horrendous and there seems to be very little benefit. I’m slightly dubious about the physiological mechanisms of the disease described too. I think the pneumonia is caused by an immunological reaction called a cytokine storm, which is not mentioned. My initial reaction would be to dismiss that paper as pseudoscience.
@Brompton Bruce

I am not a medic either, but have been on 2x200mg hydroxychloroquine for a few years as a way of controlling the effects of Sjogrens syndrome, a lupus like auto immune condition.

Specifically, in my case, controlling pleural effusion provoked by otherwise routine chest infections.

The key potential side effect is a sight issue, I have been switched from 2yr to 1yr eye checks.

My experience on Covid-19 infection was a much shorter and less dramatic infection than my wife.

My reading around suggests that the antimalarial effect is achieved by making the cell interior an inhospitable environment for the malarial parasite. A suggested mechanism for Covid-19 is similar.

You say side effects can be horrendous. On what basis do you say that?
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