Coronavirus outbreak

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Hello decadence
@Brompton Bruce

I am not a medic either, but have been on 2x200mg hydroxychloroquine for a few years as a way of controlling the effects of Sjogrens syndrome, a lupus like auto immune condition.

Specifically, in my case, controlling pleural effusion provoked by otherwise routine chest infections.

The key potential side effect is a sight issue, I have been switched from 2yr to 1yr eye checks.

My experience on Covid-19 infection was a much shorter and less dramatic infection than my wife.

My reading around suggests that the antimalarial effect is achieved by making the cell interior an inhospitable environment for the malarial parasite. A suggested mechanism for Covid-19 is similar.

You say side effects can be horrendous. On what basis do you say that?
The is from a Lancet paper....

“What I know for sure as a cardiologist is that these powerful medications have important side-effects including rarely sudden cardiac death”, said Michael Ackerman, a genetic cardiologist and director of Mayo Clinic's Windland Smith Rice Genetic Heart Rhythm Clinic. He said that at least 1% of patients will be at increased risk for a hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine QT reaction capable of triggering drug-induced sudden cardiac death (especially if used in combination with azithromycin). Although such reactions are rare, if millions of people receive the drugs, thousands of lives could be at risk from medications that were supposed to help them to recover from the virus, he said. Ackerman believes such dire consequences can be avoided easily if physicians carefully evaluate vulnerable patients.

But PK always do what your physician advises. Like all drugs it has risks and benefits - just because it has side effects doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it.
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self serving virtue signaller
On Hydroxychloroquine:

1) Beware of anecdotal data. The list of drugs believed to be effective in early trials but ultimately proved useless is very, very, long.

2) Beware of reported side effects. Even if relatively rare, if used in a large population, they could be significant.

3) No effective dose has been demonstrated. Just because a dose is effective in other indications does NOT mean it will be effective anti-virally.

Such studies as have been published do not seem to indicate massive promise, as yet.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
It was the effectiveness of ventilation if haemoglobin function is indeed compromised by the Covid-19 virus that intrigued me, not the furore about this fixation about hydroxychloroquine- is a virus capable of causing molecular level changes which prevent the effective passage of oxygen to the organs causing shut-down as they describe?

... who wrote what and when is surely of lesser importance? - amateur scientists do sometimes discover life-changing things. Behind all the bluster is there actually some truth to question the effectiveness of current forced invasive entubement?
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Tonight the Swiss show their support for the UK.



Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Belgian rtbf news: appeals for calm from family of a young man killed Friday that triggered riots, 10'000 swabs taken from care homes, Liege metro mayor unilaterally bans events until June, Pope gives Easter sermon to empty church, university exams online, relaxation of worker protection laws suggested, Easter celebrations under lockdown around the world, online gym instructors boom


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Minkowski Space
Just been sent this article by a friend in South Africa- no comment on their politics or the accuracy- just wanted to see what someone qualified to peer review it thinks...

I'm afraid that I didn't get very far through that article. I gave up at "Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy".

Leuko - referring leukocytes: those are the white blood cells of the immune system.
encephalopathy - disease of the brain

Two words with specific clinical meaning. It's a shame the author's looking through a medical dictionary didn't stretch to finding out what they were. It's just meaningless mumbo-jumble using big words to sound significant.

The claim that there is no pneumonia or ARDS is contradicted by all the published papers in the medical and science literature that I've read. As for the virus targetting haemoglobin, that's just chemical, physiological and biological nonsense. @Brompton Bruce calling it pseudoscience is a gross insult to pseudoscience


It was the effectiveness of ventilation if haemoglobin function is indeed compromised by the Covid-19 virus that intrigued me, not the furore about this fixation about hydroxychloroquine- is a virus capable of causing molecular level changes which prevent the effective passage of oxygen to the organs causing shut-down as they describe?

... who wrote what and when is surely of lesser importance? - amateur scientists do sometimes discover life-changing things. Behind all the bluster is there actually some truth to question the effectiveness of current forced invasive entubement?

Chloroquine use is the only part of that article worthy of any debate and even then, the author's claims are over-stated at best. The rest of the article is utter rubbish.


self serving virtue signaller
It was the effectiveness of ventilation if haemoglobin function is indeed compromised by the Covid-19 virus that intrigued me, not the furore about this fixation about hydroxychloroquine- is a virus capable of causing molecular level changes which prevent the effective passage of oxygen to the organs causing shut-down as they describe?

... who wrote what and when is surely of lesser importance? - amateur scientists do sometimes discover life-changing things. Behind all the bluster is there actually some truth to question the effectiveness of current forced invasive entubement?

You can safely ignore anything purporting to be scientific yet containing the phrase

The media actively engaged their activism to fight ‘bad orange man’ at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them


I'm afraid that I didn't get very far through that article. I gave up at "Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy".

Leuko - referring leukocytes: those are the white blood cells of the immune system.
encephalopathy - disease of the brain

Two words with specific clinical meaning. It's a shame the author's looking through a medical dictionary didn't stretch to finding out what they were. It's just meaningless mumbo-jumble using big words to sound significant.

The claim that there is no pneumonia or ARDS is contradicted by all the published papers in the medical and science literature that I've read. As for the virus targetting haemoglobin, that's just chemical, physiological and biological nonsense. @Brompton Bruce calling it pseudoscience is a gross insult to pseudoscience

I agree the article is rubbish but the leuko in leukoencephalopathy refers to the white matter in the brain

There are a number of causes of leukoencephalopathy including hypoxia.


Über Member
Well some French doc in Marseille is pushing it since the beginning, in his most recent control group out of a 1000 treated with it patients only 5 died, was sufficient to pick interest from French Gov, may be BS, maybe not


Legendary Member
Well some French doc in Marseille is pushing it since the beginning, in his most recent control group out of a 1000 treated with it patients only 5 died, was sufficient to pick interest from French Gov, may be BS, maybe not

to what do you refer?
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