Yesterday’s figures seemed to indicate that there was hope that the virus’ effects are starting to level out. I imagine the idiotic behaviour from certain parts of London, witnessed in the past few days, will lead to a localised spike, and I think this needs to be taken into account, when making decisions about how the lockdown is working.
Unfortunately, as expected, that's not the case. The change of behaviour is far too recent for that to be the case, and not to mention the London Underground is still crowded, e.g.
Figures out just now:
"As of 9am on 26 March 2020, a total of 104,866 people have been tested, of which 93,208 were confirmed negative and 11,658 were confirmed positive.
As of 5pm on 25 March 2020, 578 patients in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have died."
Compared to the corresponding report at the same site last night:
"As of 9am on 25 March 2020, a total of 97,019 people have been tested, of which 87,490 were confirmed negative and 9,529 were confirmed positive. 463 patients in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have died."
It is not entirely certain what time the 463 figure corresponds to, but the fatality yesterday was at least 115.
2129 were identified to be infected in one single day, which is 27% of 7847 tested.
I think it is inevitable the fatality figure will exceed 100 and increase daily from now for a while. I hope, but can not expect significant leveling off soon based on what we can see from Italy and Spain.
This is all the result of leaving it far too late. Remember the "Wash your hands, but otherwise go about your normal daily business as usual" recommendation not so long ago?