self serving virtue signaller
Italy figures are bad again. 743 deaths. Some regions not so bad news, other regions bad bad news.
Oh, that's grim. I was hoping they had turned a corner.
Here's hoping we learn from them.
Italy figures are bad again. 743 deaths. Some regions not so bad news, other regions bad bad news.
No, I’m just a naughty boy.Yeah, but your still not the bloody Messiah, OK?
Many use them as packaging but quite why anyone would buy them when theirs usually a supply on hand is beyond what to do with all those cardboard loo roll middles !!
I thought a few days ago that the Excel centre was the obvious place to do it. I wonder where nextA 4000 bed temporary bed hospital in London should hopefully help
Yes, then they'll transfer London cases to our hospitals, straining (at best) our healthcare worker friends and relatives, then London will have herd immunity, we won't, controls get eased, we catch it and are left being treated by an already-ravaged local hospital. This is an unfair situation and actions should be taken to head it off, but I don't know what.
Pubs were told to close at end of Friday if I recall with a strong call to not head out for a last drink.Is this sarcasm? He did nothing, then a week of polite requests, then shut pubs Sat pm, then full lockdown about 48h later! If that's gradual, I wonder what you'd consider steep!
Severe warnings were given in advance of mother's day not to visit mum. Under pretty much any circumstances
No it's lot more complex. At what point do you wash your hand before you glove up? Your cars not clinically clean before you use it so thats a problem. Any thing on the trolley get's on the gloves then on the shopping. Your car door handle is not clean your keys are not. So unless you, your shopping and every thing else you come into contact with go though an autoclave every time you wasting your time. Gloves are not magic fix. Really just wash your hands once you get home and for every thing else. If you do it right and when you need too what ever is on your hands is not a issue.that bit. put some on before you grab that trolley, take them off when you've finished shopping and before you get in the car.
I'd do a historic search on google news if i were you.Not so. Johnson was asked this question and declined to answer when the restrictions were brought in. Only later did the line harden. All of a piece with the overall ineptitude and confusion of communications.
It's probably been said many times already but the type of questions being asked are just plain daft.It appears common sense has deserted some elements of society. The police are going to have their work cut out as it is trying to enforce the new restrictions.
I'd do a historic search on google news if i were you.’s dire. Maybe cancelling the tv licence for the next 12 months would be more appreciated.Just seen what plans the BBC have to keep us going during this.
just when you thought it can't get any worse ......
It’s good for us opera lovers. The Met is streaming a different opera free every evening. It’s Wagner week this week!! It saves about £6 a night rental’s dire. Maybe cancelling the tv licence for the next 12 months would be more appreciated.