They're not a bad idea when it comes to PPE though.
I find it odd seeing shoppers wearing a mask but not gloves. How many people have pushed that trolley prior to them, or picked up and put down the stock on the shelves? Any one of them could have forgotten to cough into their elbow and used their hand as they've done their whole life. Hopefully none of them are carriers but one cannot be too careful.
Sadly they are Plenty of posts on here explaining why.
If your not use to them as PPE for infection control they are more of a risk than a help.
It's simple wash your hands every time you come home , need to go near your face , nose, eyes, blow your nose, prep and eat food, after the loo.
In fact if in doubt wash them with good old soap and hot water min 20 secs and not forgetting backs of hands.
Gloves are designed to be changed after every procedure. It's almost impossible to use them as everyday infection control PPE
when out and about. The simple thing to remember is if you wash your correctly and often you don't need to worry what's on your hand.
Mask wearing on mass is not a great idea either. Again plenty on here as to why.