Well, two rather different takes on the same thing:
Ian Bradbury, town mayor of Southwold, expressed his concern that the influx was also impact[ing] on the supply of food and other commodities.
He said: “The second homeowners are already here and there will be more tomorrow. They should think about the impact they will leave on our town. The shelves in shops have been devastated in the last 24 hours.”
He added: “This virus is going to get all of us and the death toll modelling in Suffolk is alarming. Southwold is no safer place than anywhere else.”
or there's this:
"Councillor David Beavan, who represents Southwold on East Suffolk Council, said visitors to the town were “always welcome." He said: “They are clearing out the shops, but that is a pretty good thing for our businesses.
“Some people are panic buying and that isn’t helping, and we are trying to get things rationed by asking local shops to keep back some essentials like toilet rolls so they don’t all disappear, but people are quite entitled to buy things".