In previous advice, this is one of the issues that is modelled to reduce the peak, I think actually may have even been one of the most effective measures. It's going to happen anyway. Without a quicker/more widely applied test (see later), there are some issues around that, especially with health workers.
Not to be controversially getting everyone to be nice to everyone, but actually there is pretty much agreement across the board. The differences are cultural ones or how governments are run. The UK's advice doesn't really conflict with anything people have said about singapore or hong kong. Where the difference lies is that as in Italy, the social distancing and lockdown was widely ignored. Very widely ignored. So widely ignored in fact that it's quite interesting that peeps keep on posting about you're allowed to go out for a bike ride. I wonder why that is! This is probably not a point missed by our leaders, but is one missed multiple times by people on this thread who keep on yelling social distancing to everything and that it'll somehow magically work or that people pay attention. No one out there pays any attention to what's written here and not really too much to what Boris or anyone else says.
The disagreement is the 1 peak vs 2 or multiple peaks. For some reason and some deus ex machina some people here think after 1 peak that's it. Vallance/Witty (and actually if you watch some Italian tv it even says this on there occasionally) think they'll be 2 peaks. It's just Italy is so up shoot creek without a paddle that one's not being discussed quite so much now.
As said previously, in essence all governments have a contain method. The other disagreement with UK policy is what happens after the first phase. There are three technological solutions out there which a guy on here got incredibly argy bargy about. Chill. It isn't my view and I don't make governments' policy. Some governments do seem to be holding out on this as an insurance policy, which was why I said it. Or just hoping for the best.
Some countries have buggered up/given up on the testing though
