Coronavirus outbreak

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I'll try lemon sooking next Monday, then.
Good luck. :okay:


Our Trust is ramping up PCR tests for staff. Anybody who tests positive on LFT will have a quick PCR and if negative then back to work I guess...


Kilometre nibbler
Wahay, bird flu too! In case anyone was getting a bit bored with Covid
A person living in the south-west of England has caught bird flu, UK officials have confirmed.
Cases like this are extremely rare and the individual probably became infected from very close contact with a sick or dead bird.
Experts say there is no evidence of onward spread and all close contacts of the person are being monitored.


Isca Dumnoniorum
Wahay, bird flu too! In case anyone was getting a bit bored with Covid
A person living in the south-west of England has caught bird flu, UK officials have confirmed.
Cases like this are extremely rare and the individual probably became infected from very close contact with a sick or dead bird.
Experts say there is no evidence of onward spread and all close contacts of the person are being monitored.
Oh clucking hell!


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Wahay, bird flu too! In case anyone was getting a bit bored with Covid
A person living in the south-west of England has caught bird flu, UK officials have confirmed.
Cases like this are extremely rare and the individual probably became infected from very close contact with a sick or dead bird.
Experts say there is no evidence of onward spread and all close contacts of the person are being monitored.
Avian flu was a UK problem in 2020. if I remember correctly, there was a ruling that all free-range poultry had to be brought indoors until further notice. I don't recall ever hearing any more.

More recently there have been avian flu issues elsewhere. I think it was Israel that had deaths in wild birds a month ago (ish) , and were embarking on farm culls to reduce the risk of a species jump to humans. Well, you don't need to watch Contagion to know what can happen next!

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Cases peaked in all 4 nations before New Year.
We might assume that the seriously high daily booster vaccination rate till 24 Dec will have had a beneficial effect, countering the increased transmission rate from mixing either side of Christmas.
We might expect the falls since then to pause when back to school and back to work results in increased transmission and reported cases. There is no sign (from the number of tests data: about 1.5M tests a day reported) that paucity of testing is a factor. I think the UK is only second to Denmark in its tests per million rate. [, pop > 10M]
Bed occupancy of beds which are MV capable (ICU) graphed against hospital bed occupancy (+ve test in last 28 days, all figures England) is falling (see below). If we take this as a proxy for lethality of the virus this reinforces the wider messages on that.

Unlike the other nations where the rate of increase is dropping, the rate of Welsh admissions increase is staying high : there's no obvious reason (maybe holiday reporting/delay/catch up issues).


Negative LFTs Friday and Monday but got pinged by the NHS covid app today, having apparently come into close contact with someone on Friday (probably at work). Thats the second time in about a month.
Ironically i was a bit rushed to LFT this morning so didnt bother, i will be doing one tonight.
We are reportedly getting around 10 cases a day at work....of a worksforce of maybe 200. (There are lots more but they fall u drr a different umbrella, different rules)
I’m isolating with COVID at the moment.

Although I started to experience symptoms last Tuesday lunchtime, my LFTs on Tuesday evening and Wednesday lunchtime both returned negative results.

It wasn’t until Wednesday evening that a LFT returned a positive result which was confirmed by a PCR the following day. I guess I was probably contagious for several days while testing negative.

The LFTs do work, but I don’t think a negative result should be used for the basis of a decision on whether or not to mix with others after experiencing cold like symptoms, unless it’s at least over 24 hours after first getting symptoms.
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I’m isolating with COVID at the moment.

Although I started to experience symptoms last Tuesday lunchtime, my LFTs on Tuesday evening and Wednesday lunchtime both returned negative results.

It wasn’t until Wednesday evening that a FFT returned a positive result which was confirmed by a PCR the following day. I guess I was probably contagious for several days while testing negative.

The LFTs do work, but I don’t think a negative result should be used for the basis of a decision on whether or not to mix with others after experiencing cold like symptoms, unless it’s at least over 24 hours after first getting symptoms.
Our operations manager has said if you have cold symptoms but show a negative LTF please stay at home regardless.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
The Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity with Changes in Aerosol Microenvironment study suggests that as the viral particles leave the relatively moist and carbon dioxide-rich conditions of the lungs, they rapidly lose water and dry out and a rapid increase in pH. Both of these factors disrupt the virus’s ability to infect human cells, but the speed at which the particles dry out varies according to the relative humidity of the surrounding air.
When RH < 50% – office air – the aerosol-borne virus had lost around half of its infectivity within five seconds.
At 90% humidity very high eg bathroom immediately after shower, infectivity decline much slower: half of its infectivity in five minutes.
Temperature = no difference.
Real world deduction: In a pub primary risk is drinking group not other people in pub.
Chance of catching it from a rider whose wheel you're sucking = nil.
Highlights the importance of wearing a mask (mainly for others' benefit) in situations where people cannot physically distance.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Son's work have lost about half the staff through covid this week - alloy wheels company. Mostly in the office. Fortunately, he's OK, LFT'ed this morning, but we are down to the last box - gone through 3 boxes over Christmas. More ordered direct, but not so sure we will get any. Local pharmacy has none.


Leg End Member
Son's work have lost about half the staff through covid this week - alloy wheels company. Mostly in the office. Fortunately, he's OK, LFT'ed this morning, but we are down to the last box - gone through 3 boxes over Christmas. More ordered direct, but not so sure we will get any. Local pharmacy has none.
How often a week are you testing?
Currently twice a week myself.
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