Ajax Bay
- Location
- East Devon
We agree Cowie.the thrust of my post was about the reason that you can still end up in hospital with Covid when immunised.
I shared this insight (from one of the SAGE papers) in April.
"Modelling (considered by UK's SAGE fed in by SPI-M) suggests that in UK in the next hopefully suppressed wave# (wavelet) of those who tragically succumb (having had a positive test within 28 days) there will be more who have received both doses of vaccine (+7 days before positive test) than deaths of people who have not been vaccinated. This is based on a function of the IFR for the older (fully vaccinated) cohort versus a much younger (no underlying conditions) cohort (eg under 30s) and the protection from disease afforded by the various vaccines (90% protected = 10% not protected). What's the take-away? People need to manage the (albeit low and decreasing in UK) risk to themselves and consider, for summer 2021 at this stage, whether there are situations/environments and social behaviours they could choose to eschew without much sacrifice."