Pale Rider
Legendary Member
I'll survive it.
You'll certainly survive one, but possibly not the other.
I'll survive it.
As it seems to abate in China, they’re sharing some of their medical capacity. A team of Chinese medical experts and 30 tons of equipment and supplies landed in Rome last night.
I've just stolen that for my FB feedFor anybody worried about loo roll, here's a top tip from French Renaissance writer and physician Francois Rabelais -
Handy if you run out.
A friend of mine, a Venetian, who has been working here for about seven years had a severe asthma crisis a couple of weeks ago resulting in spending ten nights in hospital, two of which were in intensive care.
He's much younger than me and generally very fit but is understandably concerned about the effect that exposure to Covid-19 might have. Consequently he has already decided to self-isolate as a way of minimising potential exposure to it. His decision was influenced by his knowledge of how out of control the situation is in Italy and his view that the UK Gov is not handling this properly and enforcing early social distancing.
@Accy cyclist Good old fashioned soap and water. The soap destroys the outer membrane of the virus and renders it inert. Just make sure you are thorough in your washing of your hands and do it throughout the day as necessary.
So from that, your 30% solution is much too strong. For handwashing 1in 100 is recommended.
That's fair enough,though i've used my 30% bleach solution for years without any problems.I'd also like to point out that my solution isn't just for hand cleansing. I use it on 'work surfaces' etc. Would a 1% bleach solution be effective on say door handles,toilet seats etc?
And skin!Yes is the simple answer, should be fine.
Even 10% is very strong for your usage. Might save some money!