Coronavirus outbreak

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Legendary Member
Both are true but for that 5% for whom it is serious it’s a lot when you take it as a percentage of 70,000,000 people. Roughly 350,000 in serious life threatening condition. Our intensive care can not cope with that number at once. Hence delay as in flatten the peak and stretch it out. Otherwise hospitals are overwhelmed and can’t even assess people let alone put them on oxygen etc. They would have to decide who gets help (who has the best chance of survival given resources) and who is left to die (or recover by themselves). It will be like war zone triage.

All of which is currently happening in Italy - according to reports. Hence the need to spread the peak


Legendary Member
Oh dear. Not the most intelligent observation or comment. Very judgemental. Perhaps a period of self-reflection for you is in order?
No. I'm merely pointing out that it seems a person's looks come high on the agenda of the decision makers nowadays. If Jeremy Corbyn was deemed not smart enough to run the country, it should be pointed out that such judgement has now been suspended and we're asked to place our trust in one of Harry Ramp's finest.


Cats and dogs can get coronavirus, but it's a different strain and has been around for years. Pretty sure there's no chance of any cross contamination other than if someone with the virus manages to get it onto your pet's coat and then you pick it up that way.
Source of info please


Über Member
In Norway...

... schools, kindergartens, and many businesses are closed for an initial two weeks. Provision is made for critical personnel to have their kids taken care of. Libraries, sports clubs, swimming pools closed. Events with more than 500 people banned - in practice any kind of meeting is cancelled. If possible, work from home. Maintain one metre distance from anyone else. Do not go to work if you exhibit cold and flu symptoms. Avoid rush hour. People are panic buying.
My wife's sister and husband live in Norway, their son has just been told to return home from Uni in York ASAP and to self isolate for 14 days.


Norven Mankey
No. I'm merely pointing out that it seems a person's looks come high on the agenda of the decision makers nowadays. If Jeremy Corbyn was deemed not smart enough to run the country, it should be pointed out that such judgement has now been suspended and we're asked to place our trust in one of Harry Ramp's finest.
At a time of national crisis when we all have to pull together for the greater good, your comments make me feel both sad and frustrated at the same time. It's people like you that will hold us back
I've never blocked anyone before on CC but you're blocked

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Just been speaking with my sister, a nurse at Ninewells Hospital

1) All leave cancelled
2) All non-elective surgery cancelled from Monday
3) Moving from 8 to 12 hr shifts from Monday
4) NHS Scotland have obtained a supply of ventilators that they say will be adequate for their needs
5) Proper face masks in critically short supply (see my post yesterday about non front line staff snaffling them)
6) All student nurses within 6 months of graduation are being signed off and put to work
7) Child care facilities for front line workers will be set up and run by NHS support staff


East Sussex
Hand washing helps prevent the spread, say I'm carrying it with no ill effects I have noticed by cleaning my hands things I touch aren't as likely to be infected, in short we need to look out for each other which unfortunate to say society has moved away from.

DO NOT pay attention to social media, some of the trash I have seen there is pure scare mongering, and these websites should have a degree of responsibility to be held account to.

If everyone takes a measured response and does whats right this will be a more controlled issue, and the fact is it will become an issue, how it's controlled to a degree everyone can help with.

The government and NHS need to draw it out in a controlled manner to stop it peaking and overwhelming healthcare systems.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Serious thought here. I came home tonight to find my dog had been sick on the carpet. He's also been off his food all day. I heard it mentioned that cats and dogs can contract the virus.

For those who can't get their hands(excuse the pun)on hand gel,try mixing ordinary household bleach about 30% bleach 70% water in a bottle with a spray top.

@Accy cyclist Good old fashioned soap and water. The soap destroys the outer membrane of the virus and renders it inert. Just make sure you are thorough in your washing of your hands and do it throughout the day as necessary.


Charming but somewhat feckless
A friend of mine, a Venetian, who has been working here for about seven years had a severe asthma crisis a couple of weeks ago resulting in spending ten nights in hospital, two of which were in intensive care.

He's much younger than me and generally very fit but is understandably concerned about the effect that exposure to Covid-19 might have. Consequently he has already decided to self-isolate as a way of minimising potential exposure to it. His decision was influenced by his knowledge of how out of control the situation is in Italy and his view that the UK Gov is not handling this properly and enforcing early social distancing.


No. I'm merely pointing out that it seems a person's looks come high on the agenda of the decision makers nowadays. If Jeremy Corbyn was deemed not smart enough to run the country, it should be pointed out that such judgement has now been suspended and we're asked to place our trust in one of Harry Ramp's finest.

But you didn’t say that did you. You expressed it as your own view not that of others and we’re quite damning and disrespectful : -

He looks like a dosser to me. A real cross-the-road-if-he's-walking-towards-you type. The sort who'd be asking you if you could lend him a couple of quid....
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