This total fixation on giving dates for things has been part of the problem as if covid has a diary and you can set up an appointment.
It's not helpful and they have a habit of becoming set on then no matter how many warning they get saying don't do it.
The rules are not the problem , the lockdowns are not the problem. Covid is the problem focus on that and you don't need the rest.
it's looking more likely that even now the penny has dropped.
I agree as when the date for said thing comes and passes then people go utterly nuts, it’s a fluid situation and nothing can be taken for granted.
Also people getting restless and jumping onto conspiracy theories isn’t helping as more people seem to be listening to those.
I torn a relative a new one as they linked a thread on how to get off Covid fines, I said that’s totally irresponsible and undermines efforts I said it’s no different to these lawyers who get people off bannable driving offences by exploiting loopholes, the person did the crime having a letter dispatched a day late doesn’t mean they are innocent.
He then went on about phoney death numbers, and give him a valid source not from BBC, Sky, Wiki etc so I linked him to the NHS website and he then splits hairs saying they died while having a positive test, I said see valid source and you still split hairs on wording, people don’t die of old age it’s cardiac arrest but it’s the same thing, or another age related thing.
He then links a site that Covid isn’t a HCID now and then compares it to Ebola, I said not many things are in the same league as Ebola thankfully, and while that website does say it’s not classed as HCID it doesn’t then say what it has been classified as.
I also said I know NHS workers one doctor I have known since pre school and another since 2nd school and my wife’s a nurse I have seen the impact on people and trust what they say, I then get my mate in the pub who went to uni and wears a suit believes in flat earth does that make him right? I said my wife is hardly some person at a pub and a life long friend isn’t either.
The point I’m making is many people don’t want to listen, and I’m tired of all this BS, people are trying to do their best and people just see conspiracy, and nonsense in so many things, it’s like being asked to wear a mask is painful, and if that’s how low we have sunk as a society that people are oppressed for being asked to wear a mask, then that’s beyond tragic.