The BBC article basically says it all. I've watched the news and discussions over the measures this evening. The general feeling is this is now more than overdue, but some other strategy will have to be thought of for long-term living with the virus into next year. A new app that tracks people's movements has been mooted, and data protection will for once have to give way. Can't keep having lockdowns. In Baden-Württemberg we have already got an night-time curfew. Amazingly peaceful!BBC reporting that Germany going into a hard lockdown from 16th December to 10th January.
I noticed Merkel specifically justified the lockdown to relieve the pressure on hospitals, which in some places are reaching capacity. If the interviews on the streets really were random, most of the population sees the need for this action and will comply with it.
There has been some resistance to closing schools, partly because it's not easy where both parent work to look after them at short notice, and you can't involve friends and relatives. They are often out by mid-afternoon. Other reasons include them getting together and dossing around in shopping malls etc., and having to use public transport to get to school - making social distancing harder. At least with the blighters in school this can be enforced!Including closing schools early for Christmas which is what we should be doing.