That is unlikely in the extreme. The figure of how many in the general population have had the virus and recovered without significant symptoms is unknown, and can only be established by testing significant representative samples of the population to see if they have developed anti-bodies. I don't think any country has yet managed to do this, although it is in the offing.What if the Oxford Report is correct ... and the majority of us have already had it ..
The notion the virus has been around in the West for some months and many who thought they had seasonal snuffles have already had it seems to be a favourite with the Daily Wail constituency who are chafing at the bit that their liberty has been restricted by the government, and can't see beyond this to the necessity of protecting the vulnerable. There is a known percentage who require hospitalisation and intensive care, and these numbers are missing prior to February/March this year. Unless you think the "experts" who actually have to deal with this have got it wrong!