@Pale Rider
No problem.
NOTE: We have no test confirmation that what we had was Covid-19
With both MrsPK and myself, symptoms were pretty mild.
Medium grade flu in her case, temp 37.8C, headache, dry cough, muscular back pain, fatigue - she spent a couple of days in bed, but she was stuck upstairs in isolation anyway, so bed with TV was as good a place as any. Took paracetamol regularly over 2/3 days.
Mine was a little milder, symptoms similar temp 37.8C, headache, dry cough, muscular back pain, fatigue. I did not retire to bed and continued as "carer" for 2/3 days while she was upstairs isolating. But catering stepped down several notches to basics such a beans on cheese on toast for tea. Instead of
Oeuf en mourette followed by Sole meunière!
My routine meds include Hydroxychloroquine 2x200mgxdaily and azithromycin 1x250mgx3days per week. I took paracetamol one day & night only.
For neither of us was the cough dominating- more an annoying deep, dry tickle. No sputum for MrsPK, limited amount early morning for me.
I won't deny, that it was very, very scary when symptoms started for each of us - stepping out into the unknown. But reports of the progress of the disease in the population, even over the past few days has been very reassuring.
Feel free to ask any supplementaries.