Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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Legendary Member
My two daughters in Vancouver are shocked by my descriptions of failure to follow social distancing rules that friends have experienced (eg joggers brushing shoulders with them walking on Wimbledon common) and the uk press are reporting.. they are not experiencing or seeing reports of anything similsr5

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
4 neighbours met up in the street yesterday for a 15 minute blether. At the end, the one with learning difficulties shook all their hands before going home. He's out and about constantly, going back and forwards to the shop :sad:


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
That regardless of how stupid the driver was, that looks like a really bad crash and I hope the driver survived?
He's in a 'serious but stable condition' according to reports. I hope he makes a full recovery, but also that he reflects on his actions and the potential consequences of them, particularly at this time of stress on the emergency services. And also the driver of the car that he was allegedly racing against.

It would have been a stupid thing to do at the best of times, but to take advantage of a situation like this?
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Little things to consider when staying home.

Your bin men /women touch thousands of bins each day and then touch yours.
Delivery staff are the same,they handle many boxes as do the people in all the sorting depots.
The covid-19 virus can survive for upto 24 hrs on these.

Some are saying take your shoes off outside...

Hand washing might catch on :smile:


Master of the Inane Comment
Glad tidings of great joy!! Wife and daughter have been offered a flight Saturday morning. Will take 33 hours to get here, will almost certainly go to Frankfurt where I can pick them up it's not that far to go. If further away the railway will bring them back for nothing.

All I've got to do now is try to work out an arrival time taking the time zones into account, not forgetting the clocks are changing. :biggrin:


Trying to look positive:

1. Everything we use at home is being eked out much further. There is a slap to the face of seeing the profligacy in the recent past.

2. Making food last has involved smaller portions; Mrs R and I are both losing weight.

3. If you like old B&W films, this is a boom time. I'm not sure that watching In Which We Serve and The Cruel Sea has any relevance to avoiding a virus but they are great films.

4. The sky is as blue as blue and the stars at night look stunning.

5. There is a very touching community spirit in our area.

6. By and large, people are behaving astonishingly sensibly. I know there are well-publicised horror stories and we have one or two locally that haven't made the nationals but in the media's eye's, bad behaviour is a story to run and accounts of good behaviour don't get a look-in. I thought things would be far worse than they are.

7. Our infrastructure is still working (fingers crossed).

8. The situation is spawning some of the blackest and poignant humour I can recall. Today's Trump cartoon in the Times, showing his brain self-isolating, made me first laugh and then almost cry. A small masterpiece.

I'm not making light of the situation; just that small things close to home help fight depression when everything outside it is so grim for so many.


Legendary Member
Little things to consider when staying home.

Your bin men /women touch thousands of bins each day and then touch yours.
Delivery staff are the same,they handle many boxes as do the people in all the sorting depots.
The covid-19 virus can survive for upto 24 hrs on these.

Some are saying take your shoes off outside...

Hand washing might catch on :smile:

Treat takeaway packaged as contaminated (handled in the restaurant and in transit)

Remove outer and dispose.

Wash hands

Decant food from container

dispose of container

wash hands



Legendary Member
Treat takeaway packaged as contaminated (handled in the restaurant and in transit)

Remove outer and dispose.

Wash hands

Decant food from container

dispose of container

wash hands

Most of what I have just bought in the supermarket will also have been well handled. Afraid I just can't bring myself to be totally paranoid about it. I kept my distancing in the shop, was in and out as quickly as possible and washed my hands thoroughly when I got home.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
This virus mlarkey must be serious when it impacts on my morning cup of tea.

After making the drink in my favourite mug, I poured in a drop of milk only to find the milk had gone off.

Doubly irritating because I ruined the tea and wasted a tea bag - the milk had turned, but only just.

It's the fault of the virus because my last carton of milk was a larger size than I normally buy because of shortages.

Could be worse, I could have found out when I dunked my digestive - now that would have been a tragedy.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
The milk going off is enough to ruin anyone's day, but I do have better news.

You won't want to know - but I'm pleased I can tell you - I have successfully eased the well known side effect of taking morphine as a pain killer.

I'm feeling much more, er, relaxed, following the taking of yet more tablets and a visit to the bathroom.

It was a proper potty buster, requiring several flushes and applications of my toilet brush to persuade it to enter the sewage system.

That glorious feeling of relief is almost worth going through the symptoms for.

Almost, but not quite.
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