Getting old but not past it
- Location
- North Wales
Apparently, President Macron has told Boris to use stricter measures or France will close its borders with the UK by Friday.
Yes, it is a recommendation from a French doctor who was in China when it all started, so he has first hand experience of it.The views of your brother conflict with the views of the medical authorities in the UK, are his views shared by the medics in France?
As has been said, if you are riding on your own and keep away from others by at least 2m, you are fine. The virus won’t hang about in the air, as it’s transferred by droplets but also can persist on surfaces. Chris Whitty was on 5 live last week saying it is ok to go outside and exercise, just don’t congregate with other people.I have just spoken to my brother in France on messenger and when I mentioned I was about to go for a ride after the call, he strongly advised me not to do it as the virus can be transmitted in the air as well, without anyone being there. That is why all cycling, running activities are now forbidden in France too. Even going in your own garden is not recommended either. In his case, him and his wife are just staying inside their house and only go out for essential provisions like milk and bread, but only one of them is allowed to do so.
So, should we stop cycling all together for the time being? I am inclined to follow their lead.
Everywhere I look, I see stupid people.
The kids playpark outside my front window - up to a dozen kids at a time playing whilst their mothers sit together chatting.
The alcoholic across the road had a party last night until the wee sma' hours - loads of folk coming and going, dancing around outside.
My next door neighbour, a frail old woman with a chest condition has had an open house policy all the time we've lived here and it hasn't changed. There's been dozens of people coming and going all week. Right now they're all sitting outside together celebrating Mother's Day. Her extended family from Northern Ireland were over to visit through the week.
CC will be more important than ever for many of us.I suspect I will get one of the letters.
If it's as outlined in this story, it will order me to stop in and have no physical contact with anyone for 12 weeks.
That will be a hard ask, because it will include things such as getting someone else to do the food shopping, or ordering all of it online.
No cycling and no gossipy visits to the bike shop will properly clip my wings.