Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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Ajax Bay

East Devon
presumably this will only get worse in 2 weeks time when the mask law is lifted.
Or will it? Has causation (or even correlation) been demonstrated between mask wearing (as opposed to social mixing restrictions) and a drop in infections (as estimated by ONS)? Has Scotland's infection rate been kept down by maintaining its masking regime? Let's come back to this next month and see what 'happens'.
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Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Or will it? Has causation (or even correlation) been demonstrated between mask wearing (as opposed to social mixing restrictions) and a drop in infections (as estimated by ONS)? Has Scotland's infection rate been kept down by maintaining its masking regime? Let's come back to this next month and see what 'happens'.
View attachment 634319

It has crossed my mind the current rise in rates up here is more to do with restrictions remaining. It’s already run ride down south , we are just catching up.
It has crossed my mind the current rise in rates up here is more to do with restrictions remaining. It’s already run ride down south , we are just catching up.
These graphs from yesterday show all the English regions showing a slight uptick in the last week, it may be that they are about to follow the same rise that we’re already getting.


I still think its time to move on, it hasn't disappeared by a long chalk but its definitely a different animal than it was pre vaccine. I plan staffing levels at work, and yes it has been a nightmare for the longest time, but I'm really looking forward to the 21st when Scotland finally ditch the masks as the current part time mask wearing is frankly ludicrous. We have had 8 cases at work this week and previously that would have shut us down as we would have been required to notify the local health protection team. All we had to do this week was get those directly affected away and identify the vaccine status of the remainder to see who goes and who stays. Not ideal but still an improvement on previous requirements.


Kilometre nibbler
I've just had my most socially active week for ages. Years even. Went to some exhibitions at the weekend, went walking-boot shopping, attended a pub evening, visited friends, went in to the office. All in London. I'm one of the (sizeable) minority still masking up on public transport and indoor public areas (although I didn't at the pub, which was probably the highest risk).

OK so far, knock on wood, cross fingers.
I have to admit Covid doesn't really feature at all in my life now.

All restrictions are gone and I rarely even think about it.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I have to admit Covid doesn't really feature at all in my life now.

All restrictions are gone and I rarely even think about it.

Not really thinking about it here much - I'm in the office twice a week, been to the pub, out for meals etc.


We've been to two Christenings the last two weekends and I've been a bit careful - i.e. keeping distance from the snotty kids, as a 'cold' is the last thing I want at the moment - on a roll with cycling and walking the last two months, despite the weather' and I'm not being off the bike for a week or so with a 'bug'.

Have a cuddle of the baby - erm nope, it's been passed round 80 people already and you and baby were really poorly last week. No ta. Niece is at 'baby clubs' every day (no joke) - no wonder they have picked up stuff. I've been there and caught the germs, not doing it now.
Not really thinking about it here much - I'm in the office twice a week, been to the pub, out for meals etc.


We've been to two Christenings the last two weekends and I've been a bit careful - i.e. keeping distance from the snotty kids, as a 'cold' is the last thing I want at the moment - on a roll with cycling and walking the last two months, despite the weather' and I'm not being off the bike for a week or so with a 'bug'.

Have a cuddle of the baby - erm nope, it's been passed round 80 people already and you and baby were really poorly last week. No ta. Niece is at 'baby clubs' every day (no joke) - no wonder they have picked up stuff. I've been there and caught the germs, not doing it now.
My Daughter works with 2-4 Yr olds and always has a sniffle or cough so theres no getting away from it in our house.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
It ripped through my daughter's school last week with 35 positive cases in one year group, my daughter tested positive last Thursday, and then lo and behold, I tested positive on Saturday as I prepared for a work trip to Rome. It's the first time I've had it.

I've got different symptoms to my daughter, she mainly had an awful cough for about 5 days, and she was very lethargic for her first two days. I've had no cough at all really. My symptoms have mainly been joint and back pain, sneezing, headaches and a high temperature, which seem to align with Omicron.
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