Rumor has it that tier 4 will involve the imposition of restrictions that actually worked in Leicester when it was the first area to have restrictions, which would seem to make sense. That involved shutting pubs, cafes and non essential shops - rather than leaving cafes, shops and most pubs still open as in tier 3.
The R number is leaping up. It's far too late for a 2 week circuit breaker to have much effect, so a longer lockdown (Tier 4 or worse?) seems inevitable. It's just a question of how long before Boris acts.The time has passed, so why dither any longer. Is he going to allow Halloween? Bonfire night?
If he doesn't get it under control quickly, then the relaxation for Christmsa will be mince-pie-in-sky. I'd love to know what SAGE think of the idea.
Nope, it's a severe lockdown coming, except the young/healthy will have lost their fear of the virus, others will be bored of the rules, and others still will no longer give a **** about the rules. I think there'll have to be more strict enforcement this time, otherwise it won't be effective. Bah.
In happier news, my centenarian grandparent tested positive 2 months ago but has shaken it off without any ill effects. Amazing!