What your view be on this?
We have gone into tier 2. Yesterday my son who is 17 met his friends outside for a good part of the day. I asked him what he thought about this.
He said that one of his friend's parents had said he was still welcome in their house. They live about a mile away and are not in tier 2. I asked what he thought about that. He said on the one hand (1) I don't think the tier 2 was really for where we live (which is probably correct because our area borders both Nottingham (highest cases in the country) and Derby which is not in tier two and has quite low cases. We live right at the Derby side and right at the edge of the tier 2 area. (2) I sit next to my friend on the bus for 40 minutes twice a day and spend time with them at college as well - so I am spending a lot of time indoors with them anyway. On the other hand I was probably spending too much time indoors with other people anyway.
Myself on the one hand I think it we don't follow the rules what is the point and on the other I doubt it would make any difference if he went to see his friend in their house. So really not sure what to say to him.
The figures for most of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire are bad now, sadly. You hinted at this the other day. It's not at all a case of media circulating statements of Nottingham is the worst place in the country but only because we have a load of badly behaved students or somesuch phrase. The virus is rampant throughout the whole of Nottinghamshire and quite worrying big chunks of Derbyshire. More of Derbyshire will likely be tier 2 in the coming weeks.
Outside his risk of contacting the virus is 19x lower than indoors. If everyone was seeing people outdoors even for long periods of time but limiting it to 1-2 friends then things would be a lot better than they are now.