Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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Definite slowdown in testing turnaround time. A few weeks ago I was getting my results back in 24-48hrs but sent my latest swab in on Thursday and haven't heard back yet. Last week's was also delayed. Won't be the same everywhere of course, mine are sent to Scotland but I have friends here in Sheffield who have got results within 24hrs. Still, I wonder what's going on.
Scottish testing was swamped at the weekend by school kids with sniffles. There were reports of folk in Glasgow and Lanarkshire being told to drive to England for their tests because there were no slots available locally. Hopefully just a return to school peak.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Scottish notes aren't legal tender in England or Scotland.
Not sure that is true and I don't think English fivers are legal tender in Scotland either.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Classic 33 Just been consulting my friend Mr Google who says you are actually correct. Also debit cards cheques and contactless are not legal tender anywhere.
Not been abroad in England or Wales for a few years now and never had my Scottish notes refused despite my best efforts.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
MrsF's mum is struggling mentally, having been locked down in her Nursing home. We got to see her for about 2 weeks in July (from the car park) and that got stopped due to a couple of areas in Gtr Manchester. Our area is now lowest, even under Wigan, but still can't go.

MIL worrying about nursing home costs, keeps saying she wants to be at home (can't as she can't get up), crying on the phone, requesting odd ites from her house (can't keep taking stuff as who knows if we've been in contact with someone) and we can't even give her a hug. It's putting mental pressure on her daughters - all have told her there is no way she could go back home due to her health - she knows this, but her mind is fine, just her body. She's very upset she can't see her family at all. She get's a few words with one daughter who got a job doing laundry at the home after her swimming instructor job dried up with lockdown. It's not paying now as you can only have 3 students at a time.

Anyone else got elderly relatives struggling ? It's like prison for her and I can't see her physically being able to hug her daughters for a long time.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've just been out to lunch with my son; he was hungry and we ended up in a cafe restaurant which was clearly for 'ladies who lunch'.

We're in a local lockdown area, one which has had inspections in shops to check due to issues, and having checked the regulatory guidelines they state: "If you are going out (to a restaurant, pub or other indoor space) you must not go with anyone from outside your household. You cannot meet or interact indoors with people outside your household while you are out."

In the cafe there were groups of ladies of 2-4 who clearly were from different households. Lovely food, daft customers.


Met someone yesterday who had Covid-19 in March and was deemed to be a mild case to recover at home, even though she found it worse than any flu she had ever had and she had found her inability to get anywhere near her full breath for several days quite frightening.

Over four months on and she still has lung impairment and gets short of breath, which she has been told might be permanent. She only got over extreme tiredness and lethargy a couple of weeks ago. This week she found that her antibody levels were such that she might alread have lost any immunity she acquired.


Über Member
I had Covid 19 in mid May and did not "fully recover" until about two to three weeks afterwards. Three months on I am running and cycling but I am still having good and bad days with my lungs, although my capacity to take in the required amount of oxygen appears ok my lungs do not feel like they are back to normal, they feel literaly sore inside and on bad days I am coughing again. This may sound daft but I am going to stop drinking coffee and alcohol for a while as I suffer with acid reflux and I have noticed when I drink a lot of coffee or alcohol my coughing gets worse, I am wondering if the coffee/alcohol is contributing to extra acid reflux which is irritating my lungs, which have not completely healed. Its all a bit of a mystery.

I asked my doctor the other week for an antibody test, but he said no because I had the swab test , I replied I know I was tested positive but I wanted to see if I have immunity but he still would not agree to it.

Anyone who says that Covid 19 is just like a bad cold or the flu is utterly deluded, even if you are one of the majority lucky enough to make a recovery it can still cast a long shadow.

PS I have no underlying health issues and nor do I have a BMI over 28.

Please, for the sake of your own health and those of your loved ones and the wider community do not become complacent. You may regret it.
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Both daughters and wife have had cold symptoms for a couple of days, but this morning wife had a temperature, so called covid line and told to go to test centre. This means stay at home until results are back, so not going to school. Middle daughter very disappointed, as today was to be her first day at high school. I expect they all just have colds, but such unlucky timing.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Both daughters and wife have had cold symptoms for a couple of days, but this morning wife had a temperature, so called covid line and told to go to test centre. This means stay at home until results are back, so not going to school. Middle daughter very disappointed, as today was to be her first day at high school. I expect they all just have colds, but such unlucky timing.

I think this is going to be pretty common - best to be safe though. Bad cold, flu or Covid ?

We're out of the local lockdown, lowest rates of all Gtr Manchester and below national average, but every other area near us is well up - this was the same at the start of the extra precautions. To be honest the only change this had to us is that my wife didn't visit her best friend for 6 weeks. For me though, that means I need to now get cracking with MrsF's friend's decking in her back garden - no rest for the wicked.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Testing is running like a well oiled machine. Last Thurday's swab result came back Tuesday(!). Now I have a sore throat so work jave sent me home. It doesn't meet the criteria for the vaccine trial to test me but I'll get a test through work. They're overrun and the earliest they can book us in is tomorrow morning so I guess by the time tge results are in that's goodbye to my working week. Then I do my regular trial swab on Thursday again.

A five day turnaround is nowhere near good enough if they want to keep people in work. I almost certainly don't have covid, it's just a cold but I still need to go through this palaver. FFS.


North Shields
I tested negative a few weeks ago, having taken a home testing kit. I have to say I'm impressed with the speed the test was sent out and the results returned, especially as it was over a weekend.

I have heard that demand for tests is increasing, and I suspect that will continue as we get into cold/flu season.
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