Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
I know it is hard to work out but you can see the Trough climb (the big one) and the steep little one towards the end and they look steep on the profile. Everything else is easier than those. Most of the climbing is the long draggy kind that would be ok for experienced fixed riders such as you and dr_p - I reckon 5 - 7% maximum.Mmm, might have to run a 48 chainring instead of the 50. We have done the Trough the other way round which I recall is steeper, but on gears. Not too worried about the Ribchester climb as it is fairly short. I can't tell from the profile how steep in percentage terms the steepest parts are.

I think the Trough is slightly harder from the Dunsop Bridge side, as we will tackle it. The last 1.25 km from that side averages about 9%, with 500 m at 13% including a short stretch at about 18%. I am thinking of using my best bike on the day if it is not raining. I have climbed the Trough on it before when I was reasonably fit. Its 39/29 bottom gear is much higher than my Basso's 26/28 but hopefully I will be fit enough by then not to need a gear as low as that!
[Nervously ...] Er, yes!Clucking bell that's a big ride if everyone turns up!

Oh well, there will always be another one ... Enjoy the Bristol Blast!I would have loved to do this one, even had an offer of a lift from pubbers but Im riding Barrys Bristol blast on the 30th with a friend who hasnt done an audax (or ridden the distance ) before. After talking him into having a go theres no way I can pull out now :-(
Hope it goes well and the sun shines on you.looking forward to the after ride pics and banter on here.

Yes, I am really hoping for good weather. If the sun is shining, we could have a lovely day out. If it isn't, er, forget that - the sun is going to shine on us!