Classic this morning

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Now that would have been a 'classic' :thumbsup:

But driving into the back of a police car would be more amusing...
I bought a broom today to be able to brush snow off the car.

Think the only window I don't de-ice is the rear screen as the heated screen does that.
don't normally do the two really little windows on the back quarter as I can't see through them from the drivers seat anyway

I also scrape my lights.


There's some feckin wooden tops around.

A mate of mine actually did crash into another car (his neighbours) trying a stunt like this. :rolleyes:


extimus uero philosophus
You know,my mother has some old tarpaulin she uses and covers the windscreen with that (she shuts each end in a door to hold it down). That has to be the most affective way of preventing ice and having to scrape or de-ice after its already formed. You just peel it off. :smile:


Über Member
You know,my mother has some old tarpaulin she uses and covers the windscreen with that (she shuts each end in a door to hold it down). That has to be the most affective way of preventing ice and having to scrape or de-ice after its already formed. You just peel it off. :smile:

I have one of those. Has saved me several times in the past. Mine has little suckers on each side, which you put in through the door and sucker to the inside of the windscreen.
It works well, as long as the tarpaulin/windscreen are dry when you put it on. Otherwise it just gets frozen in place.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Doesn't surprise me.....

I was in the car (YES the shame) this afternoon (saturday) with a car in front of me that had a frozen windscreen........ lazy XXXXXX..........

You know,my mother has some old tarpaulin she uses and covers the windscreen with that (she shuts each end in a door to hold it down). That has to be the most affective way of preventing ice and having to scrape or de-ice after its already formed. You just peel it off. :smile:

while it is a great plan, I do know someone who got a ticket for no tax as some jobsworth couldn't see the tax disk!

not a problem if you have a driveway but someone can decide to make it a problem if you have to park on the road.


Senior Member
VOLVO, AUDI, ANY 4x4 or people carrier? If you ride a moto, you know all about the this brigade, worst around schools at drop-off/collect time, no attention whatever to what's happening around them, never mind if they can see anything, as they are not looking it makes no difference!

I drive a Volvo and your point is ?

The car drivers are the idiots not the car they drive.

Yup, sorry oldroadman, I'm not entirely convinced I understand you. Sure, certain types of driver tend to go for certain "prestige" cars (whatever that means) but I know people who drive all of the above that I would have more faith in their abilities than others who drive entry level Minis, Peugeots, Skodas or VWs etc.

Its a bit like swinging the argument the other way, where we all know of cyclists that behave badly on the road. Just because SOME do, doesn't mean we ALL do.
Fair bit of snow today and a fair few drivers that seem to think its ok to give the wipers a quick flick to clear the windscreen of it before driving happily off. Reckon it must have been 1 in 10 of the ones that passed me in urban sidestreets.


LOL! No you've not missed the make. I just wondered if anyone would 'guess the stereotype'. I'm not a believer in sterotypes, but I was curious.

It was a BMW driver....:whistle:


Just been outside to go in my garage-the neighbour was defrosting the car by sitting in it with the window heater on and trying to use the wipers :rofl: & no attempt to clear the side or rear windows.

Feckin moron.
Anyone remember this one (Devon IIRC)

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