Classic movie scenes

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mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
I always like this scene from Reservoir Dogs:




Legendary Member
I know it's a bit girlie, but I love that scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts returns to the shop weighed down with Gucci and Amani bags and says to the snotty assistant something like: 'Remember me? No? I was in here yesterday wanting to buy and you wouldn't help me. You work on commission, right?' Assistant nods. "Big mistake....huge."


Resting in suspended Animation
Yellow Fang said:

;) I agree.

Adding strange clips I'd like to add the film Ravenous. I think the ending is hilarious. Warning it contains extremely graphic images. If you want to miss all the black comedy gore ffd to 5:50 and the "that was really sneaky..."


Another ending 2001


Car chase from Groundhog Day

betty swollocks

large member
Hitchcocks's 1935 'The 39 Steps' where Robert Donat gets to run his hand down the scrumptious Madeleine Carrol's leg 6 mins 30 in here. - lucky bastard.
The whole 'bedroom' scene crackles with a delicious sexual frisson and you can see Madeleine almost corpse at one point!


New Member
[quote name='swee'pea99']I know it's a bit girlie, but I love that scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts returns to the shop weighed down with Gucci and Amani bags and says to the snotty assistant something like: 'Remember me? No? I was in here yesterday wanting to buy and you wouldn't help me. You work on commission, right?' Assistant nods. "Big mistake....huge."[/QUOTE]

For me the better clip - albeit not a classic - is when Richard Gere's character is showing her the necklace in the box and snaps the lid down shut as she reaches to touch it. This was apparently improvised and the director left it in because Julia Roberts' reaction was so wonderful. Watch the scene again and you will see that as she laughs she is turning to all the film crew as if to share the joke with them.

I love moments like that in films. Unscripted improv that the director leaves in.


Legendary Member
Blackandblue said:
Unscripted improv that the director leaves in.
I've heard it said, tho' whether it's true or not I don't know, that the director failed to warn any of the other actors that the alien was about to burst out of John Hurt's chest, successfully achieving looks of genuine horror and disgust.


Legendary Member
The arrival at the fort scene in Last of the Mohicans - apparently one of the longest uncut shots in cinema history, hand held and lit only by the fires and the torches. Fantastic music too.


New Member
swee said:
Yes - I had heard that one too! Perhaps the best example is Blair Witch...

As for fave movie scenes - I like the one at the end of Leon when Gary Oldman's character opens his hand to see the grenade pin.


New Member
The Marseillaise scene in Casablanca.

"Shut up and deal!"

The double assassination over a veal dinner in The Godfather.

The bank job in Heat.

The car chase (the last one!) in The Blues Brothers.

The through-the-window scene of Green Card, no exposition, no dialogue, just two people in love.

Richard Burton describing the voice from the cave in Equus.

Claude Rains entering an uncertain future with his nazi paymasters in Notorious.
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