Cinema by yourself?

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I now have the joys of kids who want to go so this year i have seen paddington and minions :smile:
Been there3, done that, got the T-shirt!
God we had to sit through some guff .... Pokemon, Power Rangers ....Pochahantas. In fact just avoid kids films that start with a P!


Been there3, done that, got the T-shirt!
God we had to sit through some guff .... Pokemon, Power Rangers ....Pochahantas. In fact just avoid kids films that start with a P!
Paddington is alright, actually. At least, the first half an hour is. My 4-year-old cannot sit down for longer than that.


Don't see the problem and don't see the need for any excuse like working away. Sometimes you want to do something no one else you know does, so you either do it alone or go without.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
My dad worked in Bahrain in the 70s and lived on a large American compound with cafe/sports club/shopping mall in a US home from home. It was all subsidised so a cinema ticke was a dollar. I watched The Godfather and The Godfather part two on consecutive nights with just me, the man who sold the tickets and the projectionist in the cinema. It remains my favourite movie(s) of all time.

Cinema I used to go to started showing classic films; Psycho, Casablanca, that kind of thing, on most occasions the staff outnumbered us cinema goers. It was great but unfortunately it didn't last, obvs.


Senior Member
I discovered the joys of taking a morning off work, bringing a load of sweets and watching stuff that Mr Jayaly would have no interest some years ago. I love having the cinema almost to myself. I did learn the hard way not to touch the nachos with a ten foot pole when the cinema is quiet, though.


Senior Member
I discovered the joys of taking a morning off work, bringing a load of sweets and watching stuff that Mr Jayaly would have no interest some years ago. I love having the cinema almost to myself. I did learn the hard way not to touch the nachos with a ten foot pole when the cinema is quiet, though.
This I love. You're all selling this to me

david k

North West
I went on my own once, my wife and kids watched one film I watched another, it didn't bother me but was less enjoyable for some reason
[QUOTE 4064308, member: 259"]The Picture House in Bakewell use to sell pork scratching, cockles, mussels and whelks during the interval.[/QUOTE]
What's an "interval"?
1993, York Picture House, was meeting some mates at a reggae evening later so went to the flicks on me own and chose a film called True Romance. Started fairly conventionally then the ghost of Elvis rolled up to give advice at about the same time as the shrooms kicked in. It was Guy Fawkes night so I was the only person in the cinema, on me own, tripping balls. Great night.
I had to stop going to the cinema with one friend because she wasn't good at concentrating and would miss complicated plot twists, then she'd expect me to explain them to her there and then. She also had a habit of missing some lines for the same reason, and would lean over and hiss at me, 'What's he say?' It drove me mad.

Yes, I've done it, I had to with 'Two Towers' & 'Return Of The King', plus all parts of 'The Hobbit', as my wife came with me to see 'Fellowship of The Ring', & asked so many questions, that I almost went to see that again by myself
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