Cinema by yourself?

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My favourite days off, when I lived in london, would be spent watching old films in The Prince Charles Cinema alone.
No problem going to pub alone, but restaurants on your todd are horrible!
Going to see Star Wars in my own tonight. Very happy about that. As is my wife.


Senior Member
Nice to know there's others out there who won't think I'm crazy.

I'm actually quite looking forward to someone said, a nice escape from reality for a while.

I've also realised I won't be limited by LocalLass bad eating all the sweets before the end of the trailers.
Nice to know there's others out there who won't think I'm crazy.

I'm actually quite looking forward to someone said, a nice escape from reality for a while.

I've also realised I won't be limited by LocalLass bad eating all the sweets before the end of the trailers.
I refer you to the code and contend that LocalLass is behaving impeccably.

My dad worked in Bahrain in the 70s and lived on a large American compound with cafe/sports club/shopping mall in a US home from home. It was all subsidised so a cinema ticke was a dollar. I watched The Godfather and The Godfather part two on consecutive nights with just me, the man who sold the tickets and the projectionist in the cinema. It remains my favourite movie(s) of all time.


I saw Secrets and Lies at a small cinema in Berlin. There were only a handful of people there. Watching, in the dark with a few strangers, a dysfunctional English family unfold and come together again felt like home from home.


Senior Member
I disagree with some of those rules. It's clearly perfectly acceptable to eat pop corn during the film, though crunching and rustling should be minimized as far as possible


Legendary Member
I've been on my own before. Doesn't bother me. When the film starts you wouldn't be talking to people anyway and so just enjoy yourself

Tin Pot

I've got an overnight stay in a hotel Monday night. I'd usually pack my running gear (driving this time,so might have even taken the bike), but I've a bad chest so exercise is out the window.

So, I've decided to see if I can get tickets for the new star wars film. My wife thinks I'm mental for going to the cinema alone,but I don't see it...surely the cinema is an unsociable place anyway?

What's the CC view? Would you go it alone?

Best done drunk.


Legendary Member
I was an au pair in Germany for a family who owned a cinema, I went on my own every Sunday afternoon. Lots of films I've never seen in English as a result like Pulp Fiction!

I've also been on my own in the US and the U.K., don't have an issue with it. Not like you should be talking your way through anyhow! There is no etiquette in US cinemas so not a great experience!
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