Central Heating - on yet?

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My Armchair
Had to give in here too, been on for an hour or two a few times recently :cold:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm keeping mine on overnight on a low setting. I did the same last night. The night before I was absolutely dithering in bed, even though I had my winceyette night shirt and virgin wool bed socks on! 🧐
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Huge Member
Fly Fifer
I'm keeping mine on overnight on a low setting. I did the same last night. The night before I was absolutely dithering in bed, even though I had my winceyette night shirt and virgin wool bed socks on! 🧐

:laugh: This you !


The downside of having to move back in with my elderly parents until my new flat is ready (and I am mobile again) is that the heating is at Bessemer convertor levels. :sweat:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Mine's still on from last night, albeit it on a low setting. I only have the living room radiator on. It's just warm enough to keep my flat at 64 Fahrenheit. I've just got back from a shopping and grave visiting trip. I went out without leaving my windows open for the first time in if I remember rightly in 2 years.

As I post it's 29 Fahrenheit, or if you prefer -2 Celsius out there.:cold:
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The downside of having to move back in with my elderly parents until my new flat is ready (and I am mobile again) is that the heating is at Bessemer convertor levels. :sweat:
When we moved in to our new flat in Tulse Hill, my mate and I were none too thrilled to have our £35 rent suddenly announced as "plus five pounds for the heat." Mrs Robinson registered our umbrage and shrugged it off with a motherly smile. "We keep a warm house." Boy, did they ever.
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