Cavendish – *SPOILERS*

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
A remarkable achievement indeed!:thumbsup:


Yebbut does he have a tube station named after him, eh?
View attachment 736329

Not as prestigious as Cav's physics lab in Cambridge 😉



Legendary Member
There's an entire spoilers thread for it yet someone just can't help themselves and has to shoot on everyone who can't watch live and is avoiding other sites that don't have "no TdF spoilers" policies.

Well done to Cav. Badly done to the OP.

for once I agree with you :laugh:

I've only seen this thread this morning but it wold be interesting to know the motivation of @cyclops for this.
  • Malintent?
  • self promotion?
  • so utterly stupid they though writing Spoiler next to the spoiler made it invisible?

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
He should be given the same honour as the man whose record he took. Baron Cavendish! 😉

To be fair, Merckx has a few more achievements than just stage wins.


Senior Member
There are six or more Lords Smith at the moment. The abbreviated title need not be unique.

Indeed so. Subsequent peers with the same name retain/duplicate the "of..." part of the title in order to distinguish between them.

For example, John Patten is "Baron Patten, of Wincanton in the county of Somerset" and is referred to as "Baron Patten".
Chris Patten is "Baron Patten of Barnes, of Barnes in the London Borough of Richmond" and is referred to as "Baron Patten of Barnes".

Or, more locally to me and in keeping with the reference to the Lords Smith, Peter Smith is "Baron Smith of Leigh, of Wigan in the County of Greater Manchester", and is referred to as "Baron Smith of Leigh".

The juxtaposition of "of Leigh, of Wigan" will get some Leythers riled if they were aware of it, no doubt.

Yes. It’s always Lord someone of somewhere.

It is, but as above the "of somewhere" is dropped in common usage except when there are more than one of them.
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I've only got a passing interest in the TdF as I suspect many others on here so I thought this achievement should be remarked upon. I would tell you The thread 'Fantasy Tour de France 2024 *** SPOILERS ***' is a fantasy TdF in case you can't read.

Mate, just admit that you were an idiot on this occasion.

Apologise and try to learn a lesson. It might make you less unpopular going forward.

(It's not like the idea of SPOILER signs on the internet is a new thing ... are you new to the internet??)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
My sister had already done the same thing so I was slightly less irritated by this thread than I otherwise would have been!

Sister, reading BBC news: "Oh, Mark Cavendish..."

Me: "Thanks for that - you just spoiled the excitement for me!"

Sis: "Eh, I haven't said anything yet!"

Me: "Well, unless he has crashed again, injured himself, and retired on the spot OR been abducted by aliens, OR fallen into a 500 metre deep sink hole, (whatever)... then you have given away the result of a very significant sprint stage in the Tour de France!!"

So, to the OP or anybody else thinking of starting a thread like this - even reducing the title to "Cavendish" gives the game away. In fact, even starting a separate thread with the title "Today's Tour de France stage result" would have done it! (Why else would someone start a new TdF thread when there is already a perfectly good one fully equipped with a SPOILER warning? :whistle:)

Anyway... That has to be one of the most amazing sprints that I have ever seen! Maybe he can get one or two more but I hope that he has the sense to retire as soon as possible after this Tour with his reputation high, and his body intact!
My sister had already done the same thing so I was slightly less irritated by this thread than I otherwise would have been!

Sister, reading BBC news: "Oh, Mark Cavendish..."

Me: "Thanks for that - you just spoiled the excitement for me!"

Sis: "Eh, I haven't said anything yet!"

Me: "Well, unless he has crashed again, injured himself, and retired on the spot OR been abducted by aliens, OR fallen into a 500 metre deep sink hole, (whatever)... then you have given away the result of a very significant sprint stage in the Tour de France!!"

So, to the OP or anybody else thinking of starting a thread like this - even reducing the title to "Cavendish" gives the game away. In fact, even starting a separate thread with the title "Today's Tour de France stage result" would have done it! (Why else would someone start a new TdF thread when there is already a perfectly good one fully equipped with a SPOILER warning? :whistle:)

Anyway... That has to be one of the most amazing sprints that I have ever seen! Maybe he can get one or two more but I hope that he has the sense to retire as soon as possible after this Tour with his reputation high, and his body intact!

another win in the Tour would put the icing on the cake
and he has shown he still have the speed and skill to do it

after that - well he had already announced his retirement so I presume he will just follow through with that

whatever is best for him
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