But they were often drained by man so it is kind of man-made when it is restored. If you see a lot of peat bogs now and then visit the peat bog up near
High Tove in the Lakes you'll see what i mean. That was never drained. It is as much water as peat! Terrible to walk on when you lose the path. And I did mean lose the path, you will lose it no matter how well you might know the route.
They may have had their surface drained, but seldom will the bog have been drained. The water goes down a lot further than people think.
The summers of 76, 82 & 95 were dry, but the amount of water below the surface didn't drop to zero. We were still turning and stacking turf to dry, before bagging it. Only for not as long.
It dried out quicker on the surface than normally, even with no wind.
Follow nature the next time you go up to the peat bog in its natural state.