All the water on the hills makes it's way down into the valleys. More and more we're seeing water diverted for the benefit of those living in the valleys.
What were once numerous individual flows have become one larger flow. Either by force of nature or us pushing it where we want it to go. A natural watercourse, that has changed little over the centuries on its own, will be flowing on roughly the same route it did a 100 years ago. Expect where we've altered its course. And we've a track record of doing just that.
This is the point where courses hidden by building, become visible. Often breaking the surface in unexpected places, and trouble "starts".
As far as SuDS goes, two recent plans for housing developments nearby, had very good plans in place. One wanted to run the sewage and surface water off into the local Brook. Across land they didn't own, nor will ever own. Council agreed, environment agency said no.
The more recent one planned on building a pond to take all the surface water, with no means of it going elsewhere. Where it went when full wasn't answered. Again, the council are behind the plan, saying it's totally workable. Any container will only hold a certain amount, then it will find somewhere else to go.
We can move the problem either upstream or downstream to protect where we are, but nature will show who's really in charge.