Well it looks like I opened up an old can of worm however, I am grateful for all the replies.
As far as a training plan to help me increase my speed and endurance it appears this the way to go. If anyone has any suggestions they will be greatly received.
The jury is still out there on this, anecdotally and scientifically.
My views are that time is better spent cycling rather than lifting weights. If you have an extra hour a day, better to spend it pedaling than squatting. Weights mess with rides the next day as you need to recover a bit. If you are going to do weights, strengthening the core has showed to be beneficial - so this should be your focus. Weights have other health benefits - injury prevention etc, so can be beneficial in that factor.
If you plan to add weight training to what you currently do, then as long as you can plan it well with rest days etc, then go for it. Can't really hurt. Much depends on your aims. If you are planning on racing, I wouldn't be near weights right now with the season soon approaching.