Broken Toe, Would you or wouldn't you, go to A and E? (5 hour wait)

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Über Member
Kingfisher101 Are you an expert in that field? So what is the problem with going to the hospital and getting it done properly.

I cant wait that long, I struggle after a few minutes sitting in a waiting room. Combine that with the fact there's usually a TV blasting out and people kicking off/fighting etc.
Thanks.Its average 5 hours because I've looked it up for this Trust.

From experience over the past few years it is better to go to A&E just before 7.00 am mid-week. If the average is 5 hours then sometimes it will be a lot shorter than that.


Legendary Member
I’d be very surprised if you wait 5 hours for a toe to be strapped as you won’t need to have any tests or see a doctor. Can you get hold of a copy of your X-ray? Usually costs a tenner if that from the NHS


Über Member
I’d be very surprised if you wait 5 hours for a toe to be strapped as you won’t need to have any tests or see a doctor. Can you get hold of a copy of your X-ray? Usually costs a tenner if that from the NHS

It's all on their computers hard drive now and its shared across the trust.


Still think a minor injuries unit in the same NHS trust as the x ray was taken will be the best bet. You'll be on your way in under half an hour and most of that will be taken up sympathising about you falling down the stairs.


My wife would not go to the doctor's in December, saying it is only a cold, she passed away in March this year. Now if she had gone earlier there is a good chance that they could have operated on her heart and I would not be a very lonely guy.
I'm really sorry to hear that and excuse me for passing comment, but we are who we are and going against the grain is difficult.

My sister is always getting onto me for being stoic, as I wouldn't go to a doctor unless I really had to. She feels (and I tend to agree) that we lost both parents to stoicism and the world seems to be full of people shouting their mouths off and demanding treatment that will probably live forever.

Take care.


Über Member
Still think a minor injuries unit in the same NHS trust as the x ray was taken will be the best bet. You'll be on your way in under half an hour and most of that will be taken up sympathising about you falling down the stairs.

It's about 20 miles away, in a seriously dog rough area and I don't drive. It also has very bad reviews.


Leg End Member
It's about 20 miles away, in a seriously dog rough area and I don't drive. It also has very bad reviews.
You don't want to go to A&E, due to possible waiting times, a walk-in centre because it's in a "seriously dog rough area". And your GP, who has suggested the A&E to you doesn't do this sort of thing.

Your option now, given the above, is to tape it up yourself. Although, at a month on from when it got broken, and going on personal experience, you've left it too long. As mentioned by someone else, the bone will probably require breaking again to put it right.
You know what it felt like the first time, do you want to go through that again?


Über Member
You don't want to go to A&E, due to possible waiting times, a walk-in centre because it's in a "seriously dog rough area". And your GP, who has suggested the A&E to you doesn't do this sort of thing.

Your option now, given the above, is to tape it up yourself. Although, at a month on from when it got broken, and going on personal experience, you've left it too long. As mentioned by someone else, the bone will probably require breaking again to put it right.
You know what it felt like the first time, do you want to go through that again?

You should have said at the start you were a qualified Dr then I wouldn't have needed the whole thread.
It's not bent and the swelling has gone down so why would it need breaking and resetting?
Thank You everyone for your kind thoughts and input.


Leg End Member
You should have said at the start you were a qualified Dr then I wouldn't have needed the whole thread.
It's not bent and the swelling has gone down so why would it need breaking and resetting?
I never said I was a qualified doctor, please don't say I have.

I said based on personal experience, having broken toes a few times. And going on your reluctance to get medical help. I've also replaced the strapping on my own toes, as and when required.
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