Broken Toe, Would you or wouldn't you, go to A and E? (5 hour wait)

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Here, They wont see you if you go with minor issues and send you to the Chemist, G.P or walk in centre etc. There are still a lot of people that go with self inflicted injuries which is usually due to wider unaddressed issues etc.

That is what I witnessed, but that is not the fault of the A&E unit, more a GP thing.


I fell down my stairs and fell on my toe about a month ago
A month? Isn't that already too late?

I just dont see why the G.P cant tape it?
Is tape what's required to fix it?

I ignored a broken finger (mallet fracture) for 10 days and it's still not completely right nearly six months later so I'd be in favour of getting it looked at especially if it's still hurting.
I hurt my fingers falling over walking about five years ago, and the GP told me to exercise them. After a couple of months doing that, I went back again complaining that the exercise was just making them worse, and another GP ordered an x-ray which found I'd been exercising two broken fingers for 9 weeks. The comment from the radiographer was that it was now too late to do anything with them. Nowadays the pain's gone, but the movement in the joints is a bit restricted.


A month? Isn't that already too late?

Is tape what's required to fix it?

I hurt my fingers falling over walking about five years ago, and the GP told me to exercise them. After a couple of months doing that, I went back again complaining that the exercise was just making them worse, and another GP ordered an x-ray which found I'd been exercising two broken fingers for 9 weeks. The comment from the radiographer was that it was now too late to do anything with them. Nowadays the pain's gone, but the movement in the joints is a bit restricted.

I didn't know what the matter was with the toe I thought it may have been bursitis, that's why I went to the G.P. It can take up to 6 months for the toe to heal fully with some people. Usually 4-6 weeks though. Yes you tape the toe next to the adjoining one to stabilize it.
Sorry to hear about your fingers, that sounds painful.


Legendary Member
So, basically, some of us are telling the OP to listen to professional advice, and others are telling them to ignore it. Are they willing to pay up when their advice is wrong?

Indeed. Sepsis, arthritis, corrective surgery, whatever, aren't fun and would ultimately cost the NHS far more and over a far longer period of time than a visit to A&E or the walk in clinic.


Legendary Member
Ive got my own thoughts, particularly about staggeringly criminal levels of waste that Mrs D told me about from her brief sojourn there, but that'd be political and I can't be arsed to join the other forum.


My wife would not go to the doctor's in December, saying it is only a cold, she passed away in March this year. Now if she had gone earlier there is a good chance that they could have operated on her heart and I would not be a very lonely guy.

Sorry for your loss.

If anyone has a medical problem that wont go away then it needs to be checked out by a G.P really. Its not weak or pathetic to seek assistance for what can seem a small matter.
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Sorry for your loss.

If anyone has a medical problem that wont go away then it needs to be checked out by a G.P really. Its not weak or pathetic to seek assistance for what can seem a small matter.

But, as this topic points out quite clearly, even when people get medical advice they do not take notice of it, instead they search out strangers on forums to listen to.


I was told there's not much they will be able to do apart from tape it....
I think a 5 hour wait for someone to wrap a piece of tape round a toe is not worth it. I can do that myself at home.
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