Broken Toe, Would you or wouldn't you, go to A and E? (5 hour wait)

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Über Member
To cut a very long boring story short, I fell down my stairs and fell on my toe about a month ago. It went black and has hurt since but the colour is now normal. I went to the Drs last week about it as I thought there might be some problem as its still hurting. Dr said I needed to go for an X ray and referred me. I went this morning and undertook some yoga like positions with my foot on the x ray plate. Upshot toe is broken and they said I needed to go to A and E. I said I didn't want to go as its over a 5 hour wait for it just to be buddy taped. They said if I didn't go then I needed to see the G.P instead.
I phoned the G.P and the receptionist said she would speak to the healthcare assistant who said they didn't do it and that I needed to ring 111 or go to a drop in place. That's about 20 miles away and I don't drive and I had family things to do as well. the Xray place said I needed the main hospital not the walk in centre.
So I'm just going to leave it, as at least I know what it is.
I cant cope with A and E, unless its life or death situation.


Is there a minor injuries unit within the same trust where the x ray was taken? The one closest to me is very good and I almost never have to wait.

I ignored a broken finger (mallet fracture) for 10 days and it's still not completely right nearly six months later so I'd be in favour of getting it looked at especially if it's still hurting.


Über Member
Hi, There's not a minor injuries unit where the Xray was taken. That place just does x rays, blood stuff and I think a hearing clinic.
I just dont see why the G.P cant tape it?


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Sounds like no fun :sad:

If it's of any use, I broke one of mine, read that not a lot could be done so didn't bother getting it looked at. It didn't fall off, but did set at a weird angle that conforms to the kinked adjacent face of the neighbouring toe. I'd rather it was straight but it doesn't impact upon my quality of life.

Can you make a splint yourself? All part of (presumably) being a man to try and treat minor medical issues with inappropriate rudimentary tools and household / workshop consumables. I vote for Macguyvering it with lolly sticks and masking tape 👍


Legendary Member
Big toe or one of the little ones?
If a little one, buddy strap, ice, stay off it, time. If it’s 4 weeks ago, it’ll probably be almost healed if you let it.
Big one better to get it checked at fracture clinic. I broke mine years ago into the joint. They decided no surgery needed but it’s now not straight and probably is arthritic.

Apparently the best time to go to A&E is around 7.30 when the day shift are coming in. Night is worst, skeleton staff and the sickest patients coming in


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I broke mine about three years ago. Worse has been the nail growing back after it finally fell off some six months after the break. Replacement nail was been brittle and led to ingrown nail if I'm not careful.


Leg End Member
Been in A&E's more than I'd like to have been. At least twice with broken toes, things dropped on them. If the foot became swollen/toes went black, I went the same day. The black is usually blood behind the nail, side effect of one medication is blood thinning. So whilst minor injury, I need to make certain that the blood stays inside.

Tape your toe, using half width plaster tape. Starting at the base, overlapping the previous row by about half as you move up the toe.
Takes time, but it's similar to how it would be done.

If it's not your big toe, make certain to place something fairly solid, wrapped in the plaster tape to soak up moisture.
Then tape the two toes together. Removing and replacing every second day.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I would go to A&E but pick a time when it's likely to be quiet. Not at the weekend or at nightime or when there's a big footall match on. Mondays are probably busy too because the weekend trade will spill over.

Ask your GP for a letter to wave at the receptionist. You'll probably get to triage quicker.
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Obviously every injury is different but both my dad and cousin ignored a foot injury like you describe and suffered years of pain in later life. Both ended up getting slightly different operations to ease the pain, so my suggestion would always be to go and get checked.
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