It doesn't much matter what you believe because your beliefs are wrong. Both Australia and New Zealand saw dramatic falls in cycling when they made helmets mandatory. TRL reported in the UK that promotion of helmets was associated with a reduction in cycling. In Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckland bicycle rental schemes which require you to wear by law a helmet are languishing largely unused while in Paris, London, Barcelona and Dublin where helmets are optional (and largely not worn)they are a massive success. So whatever you think its clear that having to stick a bit of polystyrene on your head does have a long term negative effect on cycling and a significant one.
But yet again you haven't let annoying little things like facts get in the way of an ignorance based opinion. You've demonstrably got so much wrong by now that if I were you I would be highly embarrassed by now and slinking quietly away. But you seem to wear your ignorance as a badge of pride and keep coming back with more. Why?