You are yet again dancing around like an idiot - with all this practice, one would hope you get good at it one day.
The only dancing is the irngs around your claims!
Thudguard is irrelevant to this debate as they are bring made for young children who should never be exposed to the forces associated with cycling.
Before you go any further with this line - Are they designed and recomended for the purpose of protecting someones head in a fall from a moving vehicle - or instead for protecting a head from a trip on a laminate floor - or walking into a door ?[/quote]
An obscure tangent to avoid the question atually asked.
The idiot mother who I saw I consider to be totally irresponsible for not just taking her child on the back of her cycle, and additionally riding through a red light, Are thudguards recommended for babies on bicycles - I have no Idea - seeing as you know so much about them, perhaps you can shed some light on it.
Again answere previously, but youprobably avioided teh question then as well!
Motorcycle helmet standards on the other hand have already been proven to work at much higher impact speeds than experienced when cycling, so it would be a logical step to improve cycle helmet standards to match that which motorcycle helmets have to reach.
Which is the point you are avoiding totally....
The Thudguard has been proven to work with low speed impacts in children, so surely it is alogical step to use this evidence to improve child cycle helmet design as opposed to dismissing it because yoiu find it inconvenient?
You are coming across as being a bit challenged as I never mentioned thudguard at all - read what I said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you haven't mentioned Thudguard?
Did a small naughty child steal your keyboard when you weren't looking and post
You clearly state that you know nothing of the product yet choose to cursorily dismiss it in blissful ignorance, yet now you are claiming you have never metioned it?
The only thing "challenged" is your claim that cycling with chilren is "frowned upon" (you have yet to state who by) and your grip on reality!