I am going to refrain from the obvious remark there!
Completely missing the point. They are for protecting toddlers in a domestic environment...possibly why they also offer a cycle helmet with different design.
This inclusion is irrelevant to this debate as we are discussing protecting cyclists from serious head injuries.
How many time do I have to refer my previous post ?
Let me repeat myself so we are clear.
As the technology currently stands,in regard to cycle hats, I do not favour compulsion.I think they need to move forward and be developed and tested to conform with motorcycle crash helmet standards (ACU gold star/ECE-2205.
then I think that compulsion would be justifiable, and people will lose the invincibility attitude to getting hurt.
Nobody in the UK argues aginst crash helmets on motorcycles. We accept it as being a good move to safeguard the riders. There was the same arguments in 73.
Prove the technology, and then apply it - or else you risk becoming a fashion victim !