Can we assume that translates as:
1 I lied
2. I am not man enough to admit this and apologise
3. I am in denial that i have lied
4. Anyone who dares to point out that I am a liar is suffering from "fixation"
It would be intersting to see the new thread and how you misrepresent the fact that you lied
You really are fixated - I swear that you must spend more time wiping the spittle off the computer screen than actually typing
Show me where I made the claim I couldn't substantiate (and not offered a retraction apart from the 30 mill bit

You conveniently keep missing the statement I made 30 pages ago and since reposted about the quality of headgear for cyclists falling short of what I consider an acceptable level, and that they should look to get them up to motorcycle helmet standard before considering compulsion - here, I'll post it again
Let me repeat myself so we are clear.
As the technology currently stands,in regard to cycle hats, I do not favour compulsion.I think they need to move forward and be developed and tested to conform with motorcycle crash helmet standards (ACU gold star/ECE-2205.
then I think that compulsion would be justifiable, and people will lose the invincibility attitude to getting hurt.
Nobody in the UK argues aginst crash helmets on motorcycles. We accept it as being a good move to safeguard the riders. There was the same arguments in 73.
Prove the technology, and then apply it - or else you risk becoming a fashion victim !
The difference between you and me is that your standpoint is just 'no way Jose' - not under any circumstance - 'ever'
Mine comes from crashing on numerous occasions at speeds close to cycling, speeds above 99.9999% of cycling, and being a material witness to a crash which was also above what you might get on a cycle - all times, the helmet bore witness to damage. All times, I or the wearer felt the impact on the road through the lid.
Mine might be 'anecdotal', but I consider there more value in this 'real life experience' than just reading about in some dataset
IIRC Something which your Oz report threw up was that the is a tangible benefit for children wearing them - yet I saw a woman on a cycle today with a 2 year old helmetless child on the back mixing it up with the traffic (well running a red light)
Pray you or someone close to you never falls off and get a big bang on an unprotected head.
The laws are there to protect children under 14 who ride horses, and also for all motorcyclist irrespective of age. They have been proven to work in all these disciplines. Cyclists are getting the short straw and getting dragged along by attitudes like yours could cost someone their life one day.