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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Dannyg said:
Last month's C+ featured an article on the national Brompton championships, which sounded pretty competitive to me.

However it has to be said that all of the competitors seemed to be wearing business suits, which I suppose might well have disqualified them as "serious" cyclists.

The suits were a qualifying necessity - the championships have a dress code. I think at least one of the riders was a Tour de France team member. Not sure if that's serious enough.

I suspect I'm not a serious cyclist by his criteria, but then if that means I'm not in any way the same as Bonj, I consider it a good thing....


More serious cyclist than Bonj
bonj said:
'spose so...any more weird-bike-sects though and you'll have to be reevaluated.

Ive done 8373miles this year aswell, that must make me even more of a proper cyclist:becool:
Hahaaaa, i look down on all you non-seriouse cyclists like me:laugh:


snorri said:
Is a serious cyclist the same as a real cyclist?:blush:

Is a serious cyclist not one who cycles around looking very stern. And a reel cyclist is one who goes fishing whilst he pedals.


Legendary Member
Noodley said:
Is a serious cyclist not one who cycles around looking very stern. And a reel cyclist is one who goes fishing whilst he pedals.
If we get many more puns like this I might be tempted to turn to Bonj's blog for light relief.
bonj said:
yeah, how come you're a heffer?
and anyway your bike's a single speed and you've got a dodgy plastic thing on that you don't even know what it is, it's obviously just been on there since you had it..
I told you what the plastic thing was, you just didn't listen. :biggrin:

I may have racked up the miles but I'm even more serious about eating pie, skinnyboy. :biggrin:

And what the hell is a quality mile anyway? Tell you what. I'm only going to ride one mile next year, but it's going to be a really good one. :blush:
Chuffy said:
I still haven't done that Bangles CD for you yet......:blush:

Has it slipped back to Easter now?


Chuffy said:
I told you what the plastic thing was, you just didn't listen. :biggrin:

I may have racked up the miles but I'm even more serious about eating pie, skinnyboy. :biggrin:

And what the hell is a quality mile anyway? Tell you what. I'm only going to ride one mile next year, but it's going to be a really good one. :blush:

me, skinny?!:biggrin: don't think so, i'm nearer 12st than 11 these days!


Legendary Member
bonj said:
I'm thinking about writing a cycling blog instead.

As I am stuck on a very late running train, I have taken the liberty of writing your first day's entry.

Bonj's Blog...

7:00 Wake up feeling a bit groggy after a long night battling away on Barry Boys and other stupid car forums. A definite success as I have been banned by two of them. Who cares, I’ll start again tonight with new logins.

7:15 Down two big bowls of frosties, happily thinking about those Guardian reading types who are still trying to gnaw their way through a few spoonfuls of their muesli.

7:30 Brush teeth. Am reminded again about the crap design of most toothbrushes. Memo to self…must see if there is a Toothbrush Designers Forum I can go on to shake things up.

7:40 Look for warm top as it is a bit cool this morning and spot the Aldi gillett that some moron gave me. Decide I’d rather go cold than wear that thing, but fire off another email to the Aldi chairman reminding him just how shite all his cycle clothing is.

8:00 Cycle to work past the usual stream of so called cyclists riding absolute shitters. Couldn’t believe it, one woman was actually on an old sit-up-and-beg bike with a wicker basket – doesn’t she realise this is the 21st Century not the1930s.

9:00 Arrive at work to find someone else’s bike chained to the cycle rack I normally use. It’s some 1980’s steel touring monstrosity which not only has mudguards, but toe clips as well.

9:30 Finish clearing the mud off the back of my jacket. This wouldn’t have been necessary if I hadn’t been slowed down by those so called cyclists on their shite bikes.

9:35 Send email to the whole office demanding to know who took my cycle rack. For good measure I point out that any serious cyclist would be embarrassed to be riding round on an antique like that.

9:40 Summoned into my bosses office. Turns out he is on some sort of health kick and has just got his old bike out of the shed to ride to work on. He seems to have even less of a sense of humour than some of those characters on Cycle Chat.

9:45-17:00 Try to look like I’m working while spending the day calculating how much time I can knock of my commute by investing in a better combination of shoes, pedals and wheels. Conclude that by investing £650 in better gear I should be able to knock at least a second off my normal time and outrun any muck thrown up by my rear wheel.. Well worth it if you think how much it will save on washing during a year.

17:00 Cycle home past the usual stream of so called cyclists riding absolute shitters. Must write to the Council again demanding that they provide separate lanes for serious cyclists, or better still pass a byelaw prohibiting people with shite bikes and Bromptons from being on the road during rush hour.

18:00 Put muddy jacket in wash, and order new wheels, pedals and shoes.

19:00 Fire up my computer in preparation for another night’s battling on assorted internet forums. Most of these characters are really touchy so should have a happy evening in. If I get bored I can always wind up Mr Paul and Mickle – getting them going is as easy as taking candy from a baby.


Legendary Member
longers said:
:biggrin: Good work Mr G :laugh:

You forgot to mention cheese and squash, maybe that's for tomorrow.
Blogs are supposed to be collaborative, so I invite others to add to it. Or indeed create blog entries for other leading CC members.
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