Blood donation

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I’ve had to have a break from donation as was found to be anaemia. I had also had a few failed donations in last few years.
The anaemia was found due to being symptomatic, (tired, poor exercise tolerance etc)
GP did full screening for multiple issues, all that was found was that I had iron deficiency anaemia, with seriously low ferritin levels (the body stores iron as ferritin). As everything else was fine, the cause was put down to being a long term frequent donor (3-4/year for over last decade, over 90 total). I’m now on prescription iron to end of year, then GP says I can resume donation.

I was told to make sure I had another blood test a month after taking the last iron tablets to make sure my levels had gone back up properly

I would advise doing so just in case there is an underlying problem

also - if the blood donation people see multiple episodes of anaemia then they get worried which is worth avoiding


Legendary Member
After a long enforced break I’m back on the machine that goes bing. Edit: Platelets.

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Talking of the 'Has anyone saved your life... Other than a Doctor?' thread... All the people who have ever given blood to aid total strangers and also to aid me, either during surgery, during my Chemo days or in the form of other blood products, like platelets, etc.

You are all doing a fantastic job and the millions, if not billions around the world thankyou! 🥳

Me? Sadly I can't because of my Leukaemia (diagnosed at 16), but I'd have loved too - My Dad used to donate all the time when I was a kid and teen and I had already decided that I would do the same when I was old enough.
Alas, never to be.
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Legendary Member
Lifelong ban now in place thanks to AF 🤬 especially annoying as I feel fine, my heart just does a few weird things asymptomatically :rolleyes:

The Flecainide I'm on rules me out, so I'd never looked into whether the AF itself does.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Fingers crossed I'll get my 71st pint donated when I'm still 71.
Next appointment is in April, so August/September should just do it 👍
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