Looks like 4 months which I have to wait anyhow.
Knee surgery a week after I get back, another delaying factor
Nice!! ( not the knee surgery, obv..)
The 4 months can be dependent on which part of Kenya, apparently ~ Blood site ~
Looks like 4 months which I have to wait anyhow.
Knee surgery a week after I get back, another delaying factor
Nice!! ( not the knee surgery, obv..)
The 4 months can be dependent on which part of Kenya, apparently ~ Blood site ~
Good job you posted @PeteXXX . You reminded me that I have a blood letting appointment this afternoon!
I usually get 3 texts running up to the 'event' to remind me, and a couple afterwards.
I usually get 3 texts running up to the 'event' to remind me, and a couple afterwards.
I've started getting a bunch of flowers from the recipients family after each donation now.
How does that work? I get to know the hospital it goes to, but that's it.
It does feel like it's the next step though, you get so many reminders, thanks and info on where your blood has gone...
I’d be happy if the just reinstated the tea.
My 292 donation done. My goodness it was busy today, apparently last month stocks were low and they were on amber alert.
A gratuitous photo? Well why not.
View attachment 669636
292, hats off to that!