Bike Radar forum refugees

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Scottish Borders
Still working on it!


Active Member
It was the best forum in the early 2000s, while it was still the C+ forum. It went downhill after some very heavy-handed moderation (prompting a bit of an exodus) and later rebranded to BikeRadar and became very commercial.

Interesting to learn of the elf n safety aspect of running a forum. Yes, heavy handed mods, ( I could name them all) and petty too. I also think the revamps of the site really didn't improve it. After the last revamp, many said they were going and many just disappeared. No moderation has made it a free for all.


New Member
Interesting to learn of the elf n safety aspect of running a forum. Yes, heavy handed mods, ( I could name them all) and petty too. I also think the revamps of the site really didn't improve it. After the last revamp, many said they were going and many just disappeared. No moderation has made it a free for all.

I don't think no moderation was an issue (or at least it was only a problem quite rarely), it was more the "upgrades" as you say, each one lost a few regular posters.


Active Member
They are in "the other place"
there is a link at the top of the site - political stuff was "banished" a while ago

it can get a bit weird over there!!!

I have applied for NCA&P. You think it hasn't been 'weird' at Bike Radar?! My god. We have had some spectacular flounces. World class rants and bun fights but it has literally boiled down to a few intrenched die hards like myself burelling* on one elbow.

*Scottish term


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
17 March is the deadline for performing a risk assessment for the Online Safety Act. That is why they're closing. The costs of compliance and the potential fines are too much for them.

I did the risk assessment for one of the other cycling forums, which I don't really own (nobody does, but I renew the domain name) yesterday. The CTC forum has also done their risk assessment, and posted it.

If BikeRadar had a lot of under-18 members, the risk assessment could come out quite high and mean they needed to proactively scan posts and PMs. You can count our under-18s on one hand. We don't host images, either, which really helps from a "safety" point of view. We've had only one hyperlinked porno (not child or extreme porn) image in 17 years. The post and the member, who had joined that day, were both deleted as soon as it was reported.

The OSA is killing forums. LFGSS was going to close but someone else has been found to run it.

Aha, that'd explain. TBH, the forum had just been a handful of us for quite some time, and I had no idea why they hadn't killed it earlier - the 'new' platform was pants (while hardly being different from the previous one), and the traffic must have been almost non-existent, and no return on the expense for a few old codgers. At least they gave us a few days' notice of eviction.

It's good to see that CC is one of the few forums still getting good traffic - forums largely seem to be a relic now from pre-Twitter, and the user base average age going up in line with the age of the forum. But I still like the sense of community and getting to know other posters' online personas.
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