Benefits of wearing a helmet

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david k

North West
yeh got that mate, not sure what he is referring too
I would have no problem with you telling people you think its worth wearing one because it hurts less if you bang your head. Its where you try to tell them it will save them from injury or death that I have an issue.

It happens so rarely that I'm happy to just put up with the ouch element and give my head a rub if I do bang it.

Shame is he really can't see how pathetic that argument really is!

Wearing a canteloupe has the same effect!


Its got to be exactly the same as driving with the majority of accidents happening to younger riders.Inexperience can also put you in situations which you should never be in too.

david k

North West
Shame is he really can't see how pathetic that argument really is!

Wearing a canteloupe has the same effect!

if you want to wear a canteloupe then wear one.

your hypocrisy when claiming the helmet wearers have weak arguments for wanting to wear them is ridiculous, just post pictures of fruit, brillinat, why didnt we think of that
[QUOTE 1152822"]
You seriously don't believe all that Religous gooble dee gook? I'm looking forward to that day when some of the greatest minds at the CERN institute crack how the world started.

Then it's a trip down to the local church, telling the good Vicar that he is wrong, and taking back my donation of £1.24 from the church roof fund. I may or may not keep the book of Genesis by the toilet to wipe my arse with.

Whatever your beliefs are, I dont think was appropriate to offend someone else's. :sad:

Now mixing helmets and religion, this is going to be interesting! :smile:
if you want to wear a canteloupe then wear one.

your hypocrisy when claiming the helmet wearers have weak arguments for wanting to wear them is ridiculous, just post pictures of fruit, brillinat, why didnt we think of that

Total BS.......

You really need to learn the difference between putting down your pro-compulsion BS and being anti helmet

The hypocrisy is your refusal to consider anything outside your tiny agenda.

I have asked you several times whether you think helmets protect people from head injuries and if this is the case we should make them compulsory and you have simply squirmed and avoided.

Lets see where you actually stand....

Do you believe helmets are effective in reducing head injuries

Do you think that preventing a head injury is a reason to wear them

Do you believe this is sufficient grounds for their compulsion

Of course no-one expects you to actually answer as that wold be a level of honesty you have failed to show so far.


Does the so called " evidence " of head injuries between cyclists and pedestrians take into account relative ages involved by any chance ?
Does the so called " evidence " of head injuries between cyclists and pedestrians take into account relative ages involved by any chance ?

Not usually, the data is often there, but not utilised.

NICE show that the most common head injury is and elderly male suffering a fall, however you could argue that the ratio is skewed as fewer elderly males ride bikes and therefore will suffer fewer injuries.

Cohort studies show falls, assaults and alcohol related head injuries as the common themes for greater part of head injury causes.

However the chances of a three year old falling over after having downed 10 pints of lager and getting into a fist fight are probably quite low, so again the representation is skewed

Equally the age of children is contentious. Would a three year old riding a bike in the park be a "cycle related" head injury?

Some take birth to 16, others birth to 18, but again an unsteady toddler has a greater potential to fall than a co-ordinated 12 year old

The use of these figures is also abused greatly.

The pro-helmet BHIT pulled a wonderful trick:

1.Take the number of head injuries occurring to all age groups and causes.
2. Use this as a headline figure
3. Claim these will all be prevented by compulsory helmets in children

From my personal experience (not evidence) would be that cyclists were a rarity. We saw many more children with falls, and sports head injuries than cyle ones, and in adults we saw more falls, assaults and vehicle related head injuries than cyclists.


Then really in relation of head injuries between the 2 groups we should maybe factor in at risk scetions with in the groups. For example more drunks walk than ride and frail elderly people would also fall ( excuse the pun ) in with that.

david k

North West
Total BS.......

You really need to learn the difference between putting down your pro-compulsion BS and being anti helmet

The hypocrisy is your refusal to consider anything outside your tiny agenda. mmmm and you fruit man?

I have asked you several times whether you think helmets protect people from head injuries and if this is the case we should make them compulsory and you have simply squirmed and avoided. No answered it numerous times, you put your fingers in you ear and refuse, just seen post 455 on giro thread for one that answered questions you keep asking like a spoilt child

Lets see where you actually stand....

Do you believe helmets are effective in reducing head injuries

Do you think that preventing a head injury is a reason to wear them

Do you believe this is sufficient grounds for their compulsion

Of course no-one expects you to actually answer as that wold be a level of honesty you have failed to show so far. That old psychology challenge eh? Your the epitome of failing to play it straight referring to tin hats and fruit at every possibility, how is that considering others views, hypocritical.

Somebody pm me how to multi quote and I will

Somebody pm cucumberlin and show him how to read and consider others views
and show him how not to be selective
and possibly read back over posts to stop repetition
stop using fruit as a justification for not wearing a helmet

but to show im fair:

1. Yes if you fall and bang your head
2. Yes - if it saves just 1 life then they are worth wearing
3. Not in its entirety, lots of variable factors to consider, properly conducted surveys/investigations before bringing in any law. If it is of benefit to people/age groups/certain riding conditions, then i would not oppose it in the proven certain areas

Try these:

1. Do you hate people purely because they choose to wear a helmet?
2. Do you get so angry with helmet wearers when you see them out on their bikes or is just helmet wearers who are on forums not close up?
3. Odd how this thread was civil before you joined it, have you realised that?
4. Can you conduct your self like a grown up?
5. Do you have a fetish about food?

david k

North West
Then really in relation of head injuries between the 2 groups we should maybe factor in at risk scetions with in the groups. For example more drunks walk than ride and frail elderly people would also fall ( excuse the pun ) in with that.

good point when considering how dangerous walking is if we are to believe the data suggested by anti helmet group. If the walkers include drunks leaving pubs this could affect these stats dramatically
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