Yes I agree but it does not answer my question, I am interested that you suggest wearing an helmet when cycling because of the risks involved, about the same percentage risk as walking, you pointed out that walking is much slower, so in your opinion the risks are not the same as you do not advocate wearing an helmet for walking do you ?, so my question "So if I cycle at 3-4mph am I OK not to wear a helmet ?" was a genuine one for you to answer.
I do wear an helmet when competing and if I go out in a group I would wear one, but I think its more peer pressure than a common sense decision, as years ago nobody on a group ride would wear one.
I've already stated that I take the lid off at a given point on my favourite route...this is (a) because it am overheating, and (b) because I am doing the sort of speed you are. realistically though you an I don't cycle so we can do 3 or 4mph everywhere or else we would just be walking.
It is possible to acquire a brain injury at 7mph, but takes a bit more force to fracture a skull.
45 “Effect of Legislation on the Use of Bicycle Helmets” J C Leblanc et al,
Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol 166 (5), 2002
About 75% of the 50 Canadian children and adolescents who die each year
from cycling injuries, die from head injuries. This study measured helmet use
before, during and after the introduction of mandatory cycle helmet use in Novia
Scotia in 1997. In the Summer and Autumns of 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 and
1999, observers recorded cycle helmet use on arterial, residential and
recreational roads during peak traffic times. Details of the number and type of
bicycle-related injuries treated at the main Health Centre during the period were
collected. The Police conducted regular education and enforcement campaigns
to support the law, but there were no mass media campaigns after 1997.
The rate of helmet use rose dramatically after legislation, from 36% in 1995 and
38% in 1996, to 75% in 1997, 86% in 1998 and 84% in 1999. The proportion of
injured cyclists with head injuries in 1998/99 was half that in 1995/96.